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I WAS standing outside the armoured van as I looked up at the house in front of me. We had to be at least a couple hundred miles away from any civilization. A couple guards with guns standing on the wall around the estate. I honestly should of been prepared for that. One of the most feared organizations in the world, of course they would be heavily guarded.

The house was massive, biggest house I had ever seen. Giant stoned pillars framing the front entrance like a castle. Hell, it was a castle. Fortified and all.

I wander if my father knew I was missing? Or if he hadn't of noticed. Would he care that I was missing? Or only Kitty, his top assassin was missing? I was tired of being angry with him. I was tired of putting up a fight I had no chances of winning.

I wanted to tell him how I felt, but I knew he would never understand. He was the worst of the worst in my mind. If he tries to find me I'll fucking kill him. And that's the damn truth.

"Miss. Kitty?" I heard someone ask as I snapped out of my thoughts. I turned my attention towards a younger man in front of me. He must of been only in his teens. Long dark brown hair framed his face, large glasses sat atop his nose.

"Sorry." I apologized to him, letting him know I was not paying attention. It was a very bad habit.

"It's ok! I'm Maddox! And this is Carl." He told me pointing behind him. The man behind him was a older man, probably in his 50's. "we have been instructed to take your belongings up to your room and show you around the compound." Maddox said as I nodded my head.

I didn't know what to think of this. Yes, I had stayed at lavish places before, but nothing compared to this. This might be my home for a long time. I only hopped I would be a good fit for Mr. Nitti.

"I'm just gonna say it." Maddox said while grabbing a suitcase from me. "You are not exactly like I pictured you to be" I snorted slightly.

I was not dressed the part. That was clear as day right now. Maddox was in a dark red suit and the old man was wearing a dark blue suit. I on the other hand had a big baggy white t-shirt on. It reached to about my middle thigh. My long brown hair up in lose pig tails. I probably looked like a tired clown right now.

"You didn't think Kitty was a girl?" I asked while picking up a suit case myself. I had about 5 big luggage's. I had more clothing and such but I decided to leave it all back. It's not like I can't buy my own shit with 32 million fucking dollars.

"No I pictured some burly mma fighter type chick." He said as we walked through the front doors of the mansion.

"Hey, I'll drop you in a second Mr. Maddox." I told him in a teasing voice.

The mansion was even grander on the inside. Two giant staircases leading up to the second floor. In the middle of the foyer, a small water fountain stood. I was accustomed to the lavish life style already, but not this lavish.

"Your room is upstairs, I'll show you." Maddox told me as we made our way up the giant stairs.

"You guys should really have a elevator." I told him in heavy breaths. I did not like stairs, sue me.

"Out of breath already?" He laughed as we reached the top.

"I dislike stairs." I told him like it was so simple. It was simple. I don't like stairs.

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