Introduction! - CHP. 1

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Urarakas POV (also this story will always be on Urarakas POV! )


Ever since I was maybe around Five, I've become friends with the most amazing guys. Bakugo; I'm most closest to him, I can tell him almost anything and we get along. Deku; Deku is the most kindest person on the planet. He's very supportive, but ever since middle school I've developed feelings for him. This is the story of how I fell in love with Izuku Midoriya.

"Thats the end of today's class, make sure to turn in your homework on monday and don't forget the test on firday, I'm hoping all of you payed attention in class over the week." Mr. Bruce said. Finally its the weekend! "Hey Pink Cheeks wanna hang out after school today with Deku?" Bakugo said walking out of class with me. "Sure who's house would we  be hanging out at?" I asked. "Mine of course."

"Hey guys wait up!" Deku ran up to us waving his arm greeting us. "O-oh! Hey deku!" I said blushing looking at him and smiling like a dork. We talked about what we would do while hanging out and all of us went back home to get ready to hang.

Once I opened my door to my room I flopped in my bed I had a really stressful week at school, and on top of that I was trying to deal with my feeling s for deku. I was either trying to cope with them or get rid of them. The only reason why I want to get rid of them is because.. He's always talking about a girl named Kat. It really seems like he likes her and it would be the best if I got rid of the feelings I have for him.. right?

I get out my journal and write down what I'm feeling and thinking and throw it across my room when I'm done. I get up and try to find a cute outfit and decide on grey sweatpants and a pink croptop and decided to put on a light amount of makeup. I look in the mirror and do my daily affirmations and pack up and head out to go hang with my best friend and my potential crush.

I forgot how extremely rich Bakugo was, so I look in awe of how huge and modern his house and go up to the door and knock. "Coming!" Said a faint voice. The door opened and I was greeted by bakugo. "Hey bakugo!" "Hey pink cheeks, come in." He said. It kinda annoyed me that he had a stupid nickname for me but I've learned to let go of it. I walked in and we went upstairs to his room. He sat on his bed and I sat on the floor and grabbed my phone out and watched a couple of tik toks when he randomly blurted out, "So have you confessed to Deku yet?"


I was in so much shock I didn't even respond. "Hey answer me." Bakugo said waving his hand in front of my face trying to snap me out of shock. My pupils got big and shook my head and got out of being in shock. "Sorry.. well erm no.." I said looking at the floor. "Wow I'm surprised, you guys act like a couple so I thought you'd be like a thing or something." He said. We act like a couple? How?.. maybe he does like me..! "Hey guys! Sorry I'm late I had to finish up some homework and lost track of time heh.." Deku said walking into bakugos room.

We had so much fun, being hyper, and being the chaotic idiots we were before I knew it, it was late at night. We were talking when I just passed out and fell asleep. I didn't hear much of what happened but I did hear this;

"So when the hell are you ganna ask her out?" Said a raspy familiar voice. "I- well im just not ready yet.." I couldn't exactly tell what the first voice was owned by, but maybe it was bakugo and I was  sure the second voice was Deku.

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