rest in pieces to the family

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no one seen the kiss but me..

it had been close to two years since our alpha, my grandmother had passed away, her widowed husband seemed like he had no problem moving on. he was seeing a new woman. a human woman now. the pack was anything but okay with it. that's one of the pack rules. no dating humans, because one, it's just to tempting, and two, humans just don't understand.

I'm hazel. the next in line for Alpha, and this is my story. .

I had lived with my grandparents most of my life, my grandmother was the first in the family to know I was a lesbian. it was easy to tell her because my uncle, the oldest of her children was gay, and my mother was bisexual. telling her i liked girls was like telling her I had pizza for lunch that day at school. I was only 10.

my grandfather, the leader of our pack, wasn't as easy to tell. he had high expectations for me because my uncle couldn't be alpha and my mother refused to mate with any suitable wolf. so that left me. when I told him, I could see the hurt in his eyes, and the disappointment.

"baba, I, uh, I like girls..." was all it took for him to shift and leave for a weeks time. I imagine he went to the mountains where him and my oma met. that's where he went when James told him he was gay. I guess I understand his hurt. half of our pack is gay or lesbian.

my first phase didnt happen until I was 16 years old, me and my girlfriend were laying in the gravel behind a church, watching the stars when I got a siring pain down my spine,

"hazel, are you okay?," asked Amy, I was in so much pain I couldn't do any thing but wither in agony and scream.

the only thing I really remember about my first phase was the pain, and seeing the fear in Amy's eyes. she ran off into the dark screaming, then I remember waking up under my bed, covered in her blood...

"hazel, shower, then come to breakfast, everything's been taken care of, Amy committed suicide two nights ago," my Oma yelled.

I sat in the shower scrubbing my skin till it bled. 'why do I have blood on me?'

'where's Amy?' 'what the fuck happened?'

I dressed and headed to the kitchen, my mind jumbled trying to remember what had happened. Amy committed suicide two days ago? impossible. I was with her last night...

as I sat at the table Oma stood next to me, "hazel, sweetheart what do you remember?"

"well I remember laying behind the church with Amy last night. how could she have died two days ago?"

the look that came over Oma's face could almost bring tears to my eyes. at that instant I knew that I had killed my first love, I had killed the only girl I'd ever been with. I was a monster.

I stood up from the table so fast my knees gave out and I lost what little I had ate. Oma held me while I mourned the loss of the only girl I could ever love.

my back straightened when I sensed my baba walk into the kitchen "serves you right, out there fucking human girls, she was asking for it"

As he was walking out the room I gave him a look like how could you say that about her. He didn't even know her like I did. She was becoming the person I wanted to be with forever no matter if she was human. I asked "Oma, what does he have against us being with humans?" I've seen our kind with humans before, all in love with families.

baba is an emotionless man, the only time I'd ever seen him cry was when his father died. and I was so young I don't know if I'd actually seen it or just thought I did. I sulked back to my room. I shared it with my sister Starr. she was three years younger then me and was never really home, but I crawled in her bed anyways and held her pillow willing her to come home.

one perk of being so close to my sister is that we can sense what the other is feeling. that's why when she rushed through the door seconds later it didn't surprise me. I didn't have to tell her what had happened, she already knew, she sat in bed, running her fingers through my long black hair humming a song our mother used to sing when we were younger.

Our father had been gone since I was 6, and our mother was making up for her teenage years she had lost after she had me when she was 16. Oma and Baba took us in but it wasn't just us the tribe took care of us even now. See we all look out for each other no matter if we dislike or don't get along with one another. Starr even though she was younger she knew how to help me get through things. I was still trying to remember everything from that night with Amy.

I didn't phase again until I was 18, it was May 3rd and the only reason I remember the date is because that's when Oma got sick. wolves don't get sick like humans, we rarely go to the doctor and if we do, then it's life or death, ill never forget the call I got, I was with my new girlfriend tatum and her twin boys at the park when my mother called me and told me Oma had been rushed to the hospital, I picked the boys up out of the sand and told tatum to take me to the hospital, tears streamed down my face as we sped to the hospital. I jumped out of the car as soon a the hospital was in site, breaking my ankle but not caring, I ran as fast as I could following that oh so familiar sent all the way up to Oma's room. when I opened the door my stomach dropped. baba was sitting by her side holding her hand.

I couldn't take it anymore the pain in my spine was back. I walked over to Oma kissed her forehead bowed and pulled my hair away from my neck. (that shows the upmost respect to any wolf) she looked up and though she didnt speak, the look in her eyes said it all.


so I ran, I ran right past tatum and the kids shouting apologies. I burst through the doors and ran to the closest set of trees shedding my clothes along the way. I knew what was happening this time and I was ready. once I was sure I was covered my the brush I got on all fours and willed my wolf to come out. I willed her to make herself known. first my back broke, then my ribs realigned then claws and fur. as soon as my wolf took over I howled. It was the saddest howl anyone had ever heard, my wolf was hurt as much as I because even though I was losing the only mother figure I had ever really known, my wolf was losing her alpha. after three long painful howls my wolf needed to be far from the humans. so we ran. we ran until the woods looked familiar and the smells were home. we slowed to a slow walk, by a puddle and for the first time ever I seen my wolf. she was beautiful. she had thick black fur with a red streak behind her left ear, her eyes were the most perfect color of brown with a green circle around them. my wolf was perfect.

my Oma had to be taken to a new hospital that day, my mother and baba went with her leaving me in charge. my wolf have three short howls and one long howl notifying the pack that there was a meeting at the alpha house. wolves came from all over the states. even my uncle who lived all the way across the country. once everyone was gathered, and dressed they formed a circle. Starr at my right and tatum to my left, I told everyone the news of Oma's health and let it sink in. then, once everyone was quiet, tatum and Starr stepped into the circle.

"if anyone wants to challenge my temporary role as alpha now is the time, my wolf is young and strong and I won't hold back," I announced.

to my surprise, tatum was the one who stepped forward. my heart sank because I knew I would have to kill my girlfriend. again. because when a wolfs positions challenged it's a fight to the death and I won't be the one to die.

tatum stripped her clothes off and folded them neatly next to her, I ripped my off and tossed them to the side and willed my wolf to make her self known once more.

me and tatum circled each other, Starr changed into her wolf which was Snow White with a single black paw, and sky blue eyes. my sister was stunning. but with one throaty growl she stepped back. she wasn't challenging me, she was making sure I didn't die.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2013 ⏰

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