Ch. 12 ( He was here again )

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It was already night and we slept together.
We were under the brimmance of the moon. We sung together a lullaby and hugged each other.

( 8 year's passed and it was a month of april,1928)- Ginger is nineteen years old, and I'm fifteen years old. We're four years apart.

We moved on about the past and Peter no longer visited the gate. Maybe because he became a laughing stock to all people and had no face to see me. Well it's good that he didn't visit anymore. No more troubles happening,but little did I know that near in the future,someone I treasured the most will disappear one day from me.

"Brother!, Let's go outside and play!,"
We played and jump. "Puahahahaha"
"Brother your so lame," I teased him.
" How about this!,"
He jump higher more than me and I was like dumbfounded.
" See... I'm good at this," he boasted.
"Hmph! that's because your one year older from me!,"

"Is That's so...maybe your just still young,"
I've notice my brother grown up and became more mature than me, well bah! I'm still looks the same as ever. Maybe my body stop growing.
"Brother maybe I'm not going to grow up anymore, is that a bad thing?,"

"No, it's good that you stay that way," he smiled.
Vampire Aging Stop at the age of nineteen,while brilliam stop at his early age stage, well that explains because brilliam had a prematurely body.
I remembered back then when I disobeyed my brother for letting someone in. I'd received a punishment from him,well it's a given that once you break the rule, your twin will punish you. Well it's also given that siblings will fall in love since that's what happened to our late ancestors even in our parents.

"Let go back inside shall we?, it's already dawn,"
We went back and rest for a minute.
While my brother is asleep I notice someone shouting at the gate. It was Peter.he was also grown up and gained more muscles in body. Oh no! I can't let him in anymore.
But he was so repulsive,he kept calling my name. Ugh!fine I go outside.
I went outside and make sure that my brother will not notice.just this once okay,I'm not going to bother with him anymore.

"Peter! Didn't I told you to go away, why bother yourself to come back here?,"
"I'm sorry, I just can't forget about you,"
What? W-what are you tal-
"I love you brilliam" he confessed
"Why are y.....why are you saying that?,"
"Please hear me out! just this Once,"
I got embarrassed because it was my first time to hear some one confess before me.
Umm... So-
"Brilliam!!!," His brother shouted.
Oh no! He was already awake! Go away for now don't bother yourself here anymore,"
"W-wait! I'm not finish ye....t,"
"Sigh-how can I convince him," Peter said disappointed.

I runned back inside.

"Yes brother?,"
"Where were you?,"

Oh... Some one visited our gate.

"Who is it?,"

It's....the hunters as usual, they said they are Sorry for the inconvenience. Here, they sent this apples for apology (back on the way here I plucked some apples and bring it back all the way here so he won't notice it)
" Isn't this the apple I'd j-
"Now now Brother let's sip a tea," I distract ed him and didn't any further let him bother about this situation.

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