Chapter Twenty

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Dominic's horsey laughter dissolved my anger, and I addressed Erick's refusal with a grin. "You don't get a choice in that. I don't want to be with you."

"Unfortunately, you must keep him at your side even after the trials." Luke took a sip of water after he gave that unhappy announcement.

"Why?" I demanded, fury making me stand up and slap the table. Luke regarded me calmly as I seethed. We'll see about that. I shot a fiery glance toward Beth. Was she okay with her fiancé disagreeing about the carte blanche I had given them to run off and be together? From her stormy expression, I doubted it. 

"As part of the role of queen, each consort must have equal time with you each year," Luke said, looking apologetic.

"I'm afraid that's true, Niece." While my aunt said this, she took a roll and sliced it in half. I sympathized with the bread.

I gaped at them as I plopped back down into my seat. "Equal time. With Erick??" 

Equal time with a man who traded my love and family to please his own?

"No, nuh-uh, nyet!" I shook my head in case they didn't understand what I said.

Erick's fists clenched around the silverware he held. "I wouldn't make you see me, Hum--My Lady. But since I've been chosen, I mean to take my role seriously." He raised his sleeve and showed me a cat-shaped mark that slowly faded in front of my eyes. "This was the mark of the geas. After what happened in the dungeon, I felt it weaken. I am no longer bound to Beth." 

Beth made a choking noise and twisted in her chair to face away from him.  I glanced at her with a twinge of empathy. Betrayal sucked, didn't it Beth? Despite the geas disappearing, I still didn't want Erick. He could have told me that he was spoken for all those years ago. I wanted an explanation as to why he thought he could have me when he'd been tied to Beth.

Regina cleared her throat, seeming uncomfortable from the soap opera happening at the table right now. "It's never ideal when your court is made. Even I don't care for all of my chosen, Elect Madeline. But, it's part of being an Elect and taking the crown. When The Brigid sinned by not taking her place, we were left with a never-ending winter." Her mouth tightened in disgust.

"The never-ending winter wasn't her fault." I rose again and waved my butter knife at her threateningly. "You take that back."

"I agree with you, Lady Madeline," Luke said as he placed a palm up to calm me down. "The never-ending winter happened when they tried to murder My Lady," he said this to Regina with a cold look.

"If the Brigid had not had Elect Madeline, that never would have happened. You must agree with that." Regina sneered. 

 "Why do you people keep calling Mother The Brigid? Brigid was her name." Dominic was holding my shoulders to prevent me front cutting the smile off of Regina's face.

"No, Brigid is the name taken by the Principi. When the triumphant Elect becomes the avatar of our Lady Duir, the Oak mother of the Summer court and all green things, she forgets her true name. The Brigid broke the link with Duir somehow, then sinned when she conceived you out of wedlock." Athalia gave me a disapproving look as though I'd masterminded my own birth.

Luke's fury was colder than the snow outside. "Elect Regina, I believe you and your mother should leave. Now."

A servant whispered to my aunt and Regina, and they left with him. But before they did, my aunt said, "Despite the prophecies, I am certain Regina will win." She patted her daughter's arm as they exited the dining room.

"We'll remember your name for you," Dominic whispered into my ear. I appreciated the sentiment, but I intended to remember my name, regardless.

I stared after them for a moment, then shrugged. I didn't care if Regina won, but if she did, would it still fix Aleria? Since I didn't want to win, it would be good if that was the case. I wanted to go back to Earth and get on with my life. 

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