Crush || Aidan Gallagher ||

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| Y/n's Pov |

I sit in Math class, tapping my pen while looking at the clock. One more class to go and then finally...lunchtime. I look over at Mille and see her texting someone on her phone. Probably Noah. I sigh and then go back to looking at the clock.

"Ms. L/n!" I jump as I hear the teacher shout my name.

"Yes, Ms.." I sit up straight and look at my teacher.

"You should be doing your work! Quit staring at the clock!" She scolds at me. God her voice is so annoying. It makes me mad. It also gives me headaches.

"Right. Sorry." I look down at my worksheet. I feel a buzz in my back pocket. I look up at the teacher and see her reading some book. I slowly take my phone out to check.

1 New Message

Millie: Bro, I'm being dead ass when I tell you Aidan is staring at you.

My eyes widen. She must be kidding.  Aidan's a kid that's in all my classes. He bothers me all the time. He pushes me around, laughs at me, the normal stuff a high school asshole does. He's really cute though, and I know I shouldn't think that but I can't help it.

I maybe...just maybe...have feelings for him..

You: He's probably plotting his next plan to humiliate me.

Millie: Or he's literally in love with you. He can't take his eyes off.

You: Stfu. Aidan literally bothers me every single day of my life. He's not in love with me Millie.

Millie: Whatever you say Y/n. we should really bet on it though, cause I know I'm right.

You: Nope. I'm not betting on anything.

Millie: Okay but at least look. Just turn around and you're gonna see him staring.

You: Fine! If it makes you shut up.

I sigh and slowly look over at Aidan. He is staring. When he realizes I'm looking at him, he gives me a dirty look and goes back to what he was doing. Is that what he wanted to do this entire time?! Just give me a dirty look once I look over at him. Asshole.

I look over at Millie and see her wiggling her eyebrows.

"You're so annoying" I mouth and then go back to my work.

| Aidan's Pov |

I can't believe Y/n caught me staring at her. I'm so stupid sometimes. How could I just go ahead and stare at her in class?! I mean I couldn't help it. She's absolutely gorgeous. I kinda have feelings for her...well not kinda. I do. I know she doesn't like me back though.

I don't know why I'm always bothering her at school because she doesn't do anything to me. So I basically bother her for no reason...actually...I bother her cause she doesn't like me. I'm literally making no sense.

I could try to get Y/n to like me but I feel like she won't. I mean, there are so many other guys in this school that she probably thinks are way cuter than me. I kinda agree with her. Sometimes I wish I could look like all the "cool" guys that all the girls are falling in love with.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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