SeroRoki: Late Night Reading

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It was getting close to midnight on a Friday, and training had exhausted Todoroki. Even though he was beyond tired, he just couldn't fall asleep. He was laying down on his bed staring at the ceiling for a few minutes before he sat up, thinking about his training earlier that day. A small smile grew on Todoroki's face because the person he was training with was Sero.

The two of them weren't dating yet, but they definitely shared some moments together where it seemed like they could be. Since Todoroki couldn't sleep and their dorms were right next to each other, he decided to go see if Sero was still awake.

Todoroki got up off his bed and quietly made his way out his room. He took a few steps over to the room next to him and stood in front of the door. He thought for a second whether or not he should knock because he didn't want to disturb Sero if he actually was already sleeping. After thinking about it, he decided to just go ahead and knock. It was a quiet and hesitant knock but he made sure it was loud enough for Sero to hear it. 

There was no answer at first, so Todoroki tried to knock one more time. He waited a few more seconds until eventually Sero opened his door. Sero squinted his eyes to see the figure standing in front of him in the dark. When he realized who it was, a big smile appeared on his face.

"Hey 'Roki! What're you doing up so late?" Sero whispered.

Todoroki rubbed the back of his neck and whispered back, "I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd come see if you were still up too. I'm sorry if I woke you up."

Sero shook his head. "Nah, I was just listening to some music and reading manga. Wanna come in?"

Todoroki's eyes lit up a bit, and he nodded. "Yeah, if you don't mind"

"Not at all!" Sero stepped aside and gestured for Todoroki to come in. Todoroki has seen his room a couple times before, but every time he was awed by how cool it looked. Sero closed the door and sat on the floor, leaning his back against his bed. Todoroki did the same but sat a bit far from Sero. The manga Sero was reading was laying on his bed, with a bookmark in the middle. Todoroki saw it and Sero took notice of that.

"You can borrow it if you want, 'Roki," he said. Todoroki looked back at him.

"Well I see that you're in the middle of it. I can just wait until you're done"

Sero gasped, hinting that he got an idea. Todoroki raised an eyebrow.

"Since you told me that you can't sleep, how about I read that manga to you so you can fall asleep?" Sero suggested. Todoroki smiled a little.

"Sure, that sounds great"

Sero looked down at the distance between the two of them. He patted his hand down at the spot right next to him, signaling Todoroki to move closer to him. Todoroki looked at his hand for a moment before scooting closer. Sero grabbed the manga from his bed and went to the beginning of the book. He cleared his throat and started to read. Todoroki loved hearing his voice because he thought it always sounded so soothing to him. 

After Sero had read a few chapters, Todoroki began to feel sleepy, but he was trying his best to stay awake. He wanted to hear more of Sero's reading. Before long, though, Todoroki had drifted off to sleep and his head ended up falling onto Sero's shoulder. Sero paused his reading to look down at a peaceful, sleeping Todoroki. He smiled widely and his face started to turn red.

"You're so cute," Sero whispered low enough so he wouldn't wake Todoroki up. He ran his fingers through Todoroki's hair before tucking a few strands behind his ear. Then, he leaned his head on top of Todoroki's and closed his eyes. Soon Sero fell asleep too.

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