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So, I just had to make one more little part with Luke's point of view, just to kinda wrap everything up a little better :) 

 If it weren't for the subtle tapping of a broken air conditioning coil I would've been asleep by now. In the garage, everything seemed to echo louder than normal. I had been up for the last four hours talking to Tito, which honestly wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Glancing at one of the clocks hanging on Nick's garage wall, the time read 2:46am. It was almost completely dark, with the exception of the moon glowing through a small skylight. I sat up slowly, taking note of my surroundings. All the animatronics seemed to be asleep...or something like that. I distinctly recalled the conversation I had with Tito earlier:

"So, dark magic is real?"

"Si, chico, a very, very dangerous, but real, force,"

"How do people harness stuff like that?"

"There are certain spells that are recited. Each of them do different things,"

"Like what?"

"Well, there are spells to bring damned souls back from hell. Spells to send them right back. Spells to make people suffer very, very horrible fates,"

"All of them are bad things?"

"It's called dark magic, isn't it?"

If there was one thing that was clear, it was that whatever forces Jerry and my cult were harnessing were real. If I could bring my friends back, they could continue to teach me, and I could be part of them again.

I slowly stood up from where I was lying, and made my way to the garage door. Nick had oiled the door, so opening it wasn't a struggle to keep anyone from waking up. The floor shifted as I closed the door gently, making my way to Vic. She has to have the Mustang keys somewhere. As much as I didn't want to go back inside Vic's room, I needed the keys to the car. Opening her door was a bit of a struggle, as it was a little creaky. Fortunately, Vic was dead asleep, intertwined in some weird way with Willy. I gagged at the two of them, before turning my glance from them to the small counter by the mirror. Sure enough, the Mustang keys sat patiently motionless, as if they wanted to be found. Not wasting time, I grabbed the keys and went back to the garage. The Mustang doors were just as creaky as Vic's room's door, which proved a struggle. I had to move fast though, just in case I accidentally woke any of the animatronics. The headliner light came on as I pulled the door open, providing decent light to what was in there. Glass shards carpeted the floor, which I made sure to avoid. Rummaging around in the center console, I pulled out more bottles of Vic's anxiety meds, several receipts, a half eaten protein bar, and several weird looking candy wrappers. Even though this car belonged to Dad, Vic always treated it like she owned it. I didn't quite understand the connection she had with this old thing, maybe Vic only liked it because she never had to pay for the repairs. Dang it, Vic, where is it? I retreated from the Mustang, shutting the door quietly, but firmly. It has to be in the Camaro. Testing my luck again, I pulled open the driver's side door to Nick's Camaro. Since it was at least twenty years newer than the Mustang, the doors had no problem opening quietly. The leather seats made the interior smell new. Pulling myself into the driver's seat, I marveled at the high-tech machine, before opening the center console. Sure enough, sitting right where I expected it to be, was a wrinkled piece of paper with several complex words written on it. I smiled, shutting the door quietly. Shoving the paper into my pocket, I returned to my spot next to Tito. I made sure the overhead lights turned off before I fell back asleep. The only thing to do now was wait for Jerry to give me more instructions. You can count on me, Jerry, I'll get you all back. We'll be a family again, just like you promised. 

Candy Paint--a Willy's Wonderland FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now