Happy pill?

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The day that Hyunjin knew would come but never wanted to finally came Chan found someone new. Someone he liked and took an interest in, but the thing is there was no one to blame but Hyunjin. Chan made it clear the very first time he asked Hyunjin to help him move on in other words he asked Hyunjin to be his rebound, and of course Hyunjin agreed even with the knowledge that once the other heals he'll be a nobody once again, but he loved the older way too much. He loved him to the point that he didn't even care if he was left in pain and hurt as long as the other was smiling.

So here he was watching and hurting from a far as he sees Chan and Felix happy together. Love was supposed to be happiness but at the end all it brought him was pain. He wondered if it was Chan in his shoes would the other be able to go through what he's been experiencing? Would Chan be able to stand the pain and suffering? Would Chan be able to sacrifice as much as he did? Maybe he could, maybe Chan could but Hyunjin knows the sacrifices wouldn't be for him but another person. It has always been like that. Chan never sacrificed anything for him rather it was him who always did. At the end of the day Hyunjin only was Chan's pain killer. Chan needed him key word "needed", now he doesn't cause he finally found his happy pill. 

Both of them did, the only thing was Hyunjin's happy pill is also a pill that pained him the most but is Chan still even a happy pill when all Hyunjin feel is pain? Chan was like a drug you get addicted to it and continue on taking it even if it's not healthy for you. Drugs create an illusion, it makes you happy for a moment but once it's gone you're back to reality. That's how Chan was, that's how Chan is.

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