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Pair: Reddington & Dembe
Fluff or Smut: Fluff

Running through the woods, Reddington finally found a cabin to hide. He quickly rushed in but was quiet to shut the door. The hunter, who he had no idea of who it could be, could be there anytime soon, the man thought. He has 10 minutes at the least. Inside, there was a living room, dining room with a back door to the backyard, a hallway with a bathroom and 2 small bedrooms. Reddington figured he would have a better chance if he hid somewhere close to the backdoor. He tiptoed to the dining room and hid the pantry. He tried to steady his breath and covered his mouth to avoid making any noise. Reddington wished he had his gun but he was drugged, kidnapped, and deprived of his protection all for a stupid game. 

He heard the front door open and a gun being cocked. Footsteps were coming closer and closer to the dining room as if this person knew he came in here. It made him wonder if there were cameras around the woods and cabin. Well, that would be cheating and it appeared to Reddington that it may be the case. The hunter’s footsteps stopped in front of the pantry. He couldn’t run now because he would be shot instantly. Reddington’s breath hitched, his eyes widened, and his heart was beating faster and faster. He could feel the person smile on the other side, it scared him nearly to death. The door to the pantry and he saw them; it was Dembe.

 “Well, hello, Raymond.” Reddington was on the verge of tears, terrified. “Dembe?” The taller man pointed the .22 caliber pistol at him, “I’m tired of being controlled, tired of it, Raymond. Here I thought you loved me but it appears I was wrong, yes?” The older man shook his head and started to quietly sob. “No, no. I love you dearly, Dembe, and whoever is making you think or feel this way-” Suddenly, Katarina walked into the dining room where the two men were. “I told him the truth, Reddington. The truth that you were using him so you could get revenge against me.” “That’s not true! Dembe, baby, you got to believe me!” Tears ran down Reddington’s face. Dembe shook his head, angry, “no, you lied to me. You lied, Raymond, and you’re telling me that’s not true? No… We’re done.” 

Reddington shot up, breathing heavily. The nightmare kept repeating itself inside his head and he started to sob, placing his head in his hands. It was his fear; to lose the love of his life, the one who stayed with him through thick and thin, the one he truly trusts with his life, the one he cares about so dearly. 

Dembe, who was lying beside him, woke up. “Raymond?” He turned on the lamp on the nightstand and faced towards the man. He noticed the tears dripping down from his lover’s hands as he sobbed. “Raymond, dear, what’s wrong?” Raymond lifted his head from his hands and looked over at Dembe with concern. “Oh, I’m sorry to wake you up, it was just a nightmare.” He wiped the tears from his face and weakly smiled. Of course, the other man wasn’t going back to bed after seeing his boyfriend crying over a bad dream. 

“Don’t worry about waking me up because of a nightmare, hon. Would you like to talk about it?” Dembe gently wrapped his arms around Reddington, pulling him closer to his chest. Reddington sighed as he melted into Dembe’s embrace. The tears came to a stop and he slowly calmed down.

“You and Katarina kidnapped me and stuck me in this… secluded forest and hunted me down for games. You found me in a cabin, in the pantry, and you were about to shoot me with a pistol but gave me a lecture on how you were tired of being controlled and that you were wrong to think that I loved you. I reasoned that I loved you dearly and whoever was doing this is wrong but got cut off by Katarina walking up behind you. She claims that she told you the truth. You said we were done and it ended there.” 

Dembe was shocked and upset to hear this. He now knows why the poor man was crying; he was scared of losing him. “I...I’m sorry to hear that, Ray. I will never leave you because of that poor excuse of a woman. I love you and nothing’s ever going to change that for me. Nothing will.” Dembe kisses Reddington’s forehead as he holds his hands in his own, rubbing his thumbs over the older man’s knuckles. Tears flowed down again, only this time because of relief, and he gave Dembe’s hand a soft squeeze. “Thank you, Dembe. I’m sorry that I’m sensitive, just...I don’t ever want to lose you. You mean so much to me. I don’t know what I’d do without you, love. I love you so much.” 

Dembe smiled, “I love you so much too, sweetheart. Don’t worry about being sensitive, it just means you are human. I don’t know what I’d do either, Raymond. Though, if I ever lost you, I’d hate myself for not being there for you.” Reddington smiled back and wiped away the tears. He pressed his head against Dembe’s. 

Dembe smiled and softly kissed Reddington’s nose, making him chuckle. “Would you like to go back to bed, dear?” He questioned. Reddington nodded and laid back down. Dembe turned off the lamp, yawning. He laid back down and pulled Reddington close to him as he buried his face into his chest. “Good night, Ray.” “Good night, Dembe.”

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