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Rae giggled slightly, "yeah, usually everyone's running around" Rae walked up to vinnies room

Rae pov
I walked upstairs as vinnie followed, I noticed he left my bags at the front door so it was easy to carry them out. No one today seemed to be home, It was dark and gloomy in the house and the emptiness gave off a airy vibe

I arrived to vinnie room flopping on his bed, he crawled next to me, god he was hot. My eyes followed him as he turned on the tv, "I'm rewatching one piece but if you don't want to watch it that's fine" vinnie Smiled slightly.

As we watched anime rain slowly ran down the windows, it felt like a scene from a movie, just me and him, together, alone, in one big house.

I couldn't take this anymore "I don't wanna do this anymore, you know pretend we're just friends, it's getting tiring" I spoke looking out the window

"Mhm" he slowly responded.  it sent me through a loop, what the hell does he mean "mhm" is it a yes or no???

I turned to him to see him staring at me, his head tilted slightly as he leant in getting a better look at me, my heart fluttered to the point it hurt.

"So what do you want me to do" his whisper sent tingles down my spine, the fuck was I supposed to say 'oh I want to umm...fuck me, give me slow strokes' yeah no thanks.

I was so lost in thought I didn't realize vinnie sat infront of me, he caressed my cheek and slowly leant in, before I could answer his lips aggressively smashed into mine

His tongue slid over my bottom lip asking for entrance, our mouths slid together soothingly, this is what I was longing for, him, I just want him.

Our tongues pressed harshly into each other's as his hand grabbed my boob, he massaged me slowly as our kid depthed. He quickly broke the kiss and stared at me, this stare was different though, he usually looked at me like a little cat being admired, but this stare was filled with lust, lust and confidence.

He licked his lips and looked me up and down, "can I have you Raina"(yes that's raes real name I just thought of it🙄) he smirked, my name rolled of his tongue so smoothly that it sent a gush of liquid out of me(😏😏)

I nodded before being slammed into the bed, I was now laying down on my back as vinnie hovered on top of me, kisses lingered on my neck as he gently sucked, his tongue drew 8s on me slowly.

His speed leisurely slowed making me feel warm inside, marks slowly appeared after his work.

He made his way down to my breast before slipping off my shirt and sucking on my boob (🤱🏽)

Small moans escaped my mouth as his tongue circled around my nipple, his finger swirled my other.

The texture on his tongue licked as I let out small moans

His trail of kiss continued to down to my bikini line, he kissed up my thighs before looking at me "you sure" he asked

I nodded with certainty, "imma gonna need real words Raina" he continued

"I'm sure" I mumbled

A small smirk appeared on his face before sliding down my sweats, he kissed up my inner thigh, he got slower the closer he got to heat

He slid my underwear off and kissed my bikini area softly, he made his way to my clit and kissed it gently, my breaths quickly picked up form the tingle that surfed through my body

"Your sensitive for someone who told me to blacken up" vinnie commented noticing my mood change

A soft smile appeared on my face from the remark

"You must really like me, you're soaked" vinnie winked up at me. His tongue slid on my clit, the feeling shot through my stomach creating butterflies "come on don't tease me" I hitched hearing a small giggle, he proceeded to kiss me gently.

"Vinnie,I need your help" a voice called from downstairs, did someone just get home? Or have they been home

"Vinnie,I need your help" a voice called from downstairs, did someone just get home? Or have they been home

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Skylers talking bitches

Yea this isn't edited Bc I just can't read it again 🥲

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