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You woke up in the morning feeling sore all over your body, you went into the bathroom to shower and freshen up
After you finished showering you got your clothes on and went into the kitchen and saw Chrollo cooking breakfast

"Oh hope you dont mind me using your food and cooking it"  Chrollo

"Uh not at all, I didn't know you could cook"  Y/n

"I just know the bare minimum, i had to go out and pick up some ingredients because everything in your fridge went bad"  Chrollo

Shit i forgot to throw out the food before leaving to stay at the base

"Ah sorry you had to go through the trouble to do so"  Y/n

"Its okay, i don't mind"  Chrollo

Chrollo served you pancakes and eggs on a plate and gave you a fork and butter knife, you were sorta nervous to try his food because he only said he could do the bare minimum of cooking

You tried a little hit of the eggs and pancakes and it was amazing, you haven't had home cooking in so long so it tasted great, you smiled continuing enjoying your food

Chrollo stood across you from the kitchen table admiring you enjoy his food, he walked to the sink to wash the dishes and clean up the mess

"This is really good Chrollo, not what I expected"

"Thanks I'm glad your enjoying my cooking"

After a few minutes you finished your plate of food and Chrollo got dressed to leave and go back to the base, you washed your plate off and got your bag that you left at the front door the other night and went with Chrollo

"Nervous to go back?"

"Pfft nervous why would I be nervous"

You lied straight to his face, you were nervous you didn't know what you were going to say or do, do I talk to Feitan or ignore him?

Chrollo unlocked his car and opened the door for you, you sat in the front seat next to him and thought about nothing but what you were going to do when you got there, you had no idea what to do

"I can tell your anxious, be mindful its now because yours actions you have to worry, he wont know about what happened unless you tell him or he sees the lovely marks I left on you"

"Haha...yea rightttt..."

You completely forgot about the hickeys he left on you, you finally decided you were going to give Feitan a chance to give an explanation from last night, thats it that was your only plan

Chrollo pulled into the abandoned area where the phantom troupe base was and you clenched onto your pants and got your self ready to see "his" face again

Chrollo and you got out the car and you carried your bag with you, you tried getting to your room quickly so you wouldn't run into anybody and have to talk about last night at the bar

You rushed through the hallways and went to your room

You opened your room door and looked up to see Feitan sitting on the bed on his phone with a cold look on his face, you put your bag on the floor and silence filled the room

"Im going to give you 5 minutes to explain why you were kissing her last night"  Y/n

"Y/n she got me drunk and started kissing me and when you walked in it looked like i was kissing her"  Feitan

"You dick head like I'll believe that story of yours"  y/n

"Its true, but you don't have to believe me-"  Feitan

"Whats on your neck?"  Feitan

FUCKKKK the only thing I didn't know what to answer with, what do i do what do i say

"Uhm its none of your business"  y/n

"You slept with him didn't you"  Feitan

"Uh yea.."  y/n

"Im not mad I deserve it". Feitan

"Wait what really?"   Y/n

"Yea, you still belong to me after all, thats a rule that sticks between us no matter what"  Feitan

"Huh well I don't forgive you for last night"  y/n

You crossed your arms all frustrated and you wouldn't look at him in the eye at all, Feitan got up and walked up to you and hugged you and laid your head onto his chest

"Thats okay, as long as your still my bitch I'm okay with that"  Feitan

You were still mad you didn't get the reaction you wanted from him and he acted calm to specifically to make you mad that your plan didn't work out

"Its funny the things you do just to try to get back at me"  Feitan

"I hope your angry that your little stunt you pulled didn't give you the reaction you wanted from me" Feitan

"Shut up I wasn't thinking, I regret what I did"  Y/n

He let go of you and looked at you in the eyes

"I already know the boss gave you a punishment for your decision so ill let you go this time"  Feitan

"Uhm thanks?"  Y/n

He kissed your cheek and walked out the room and closed the door behind him

You were still mad at him but if he was able to let go of what you did with Chrollo you thought the least you could do was believe Feitans story and forgive him

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