Smitten~ Chapter 8

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It's been a week since that night and right now I'm on the bus texting the group chat I made with Hirugami and Hoshiumi. These two are literally crackheads. 

Caw Caw Bitch GC





HiruMiru: *amazing guitar solo* 

HoshiMoshi: Wait wait, I just thought of something

HinaMina: What

HoshiMoshi: What if we are all in a coma and death is our way of waking up 

HinaMina: How do you just randomly think of that 😃

HoshiMoshi: Perks of being an alien from Jupiter 

HiruMiru: You look like an alien from Jupiter 

HoshiMoshi: No shit captain obvious 

HiruMiru: Wait we arrived at where we are staying, gtg Shoyo, ttyl

HinaMina: Bye guys 

I huffed as I shut off my phone. He's never used my real name before, imagine how he'd sound actually saying it. The things this man does to me. 

"WOAH IT'S THE ACTUAL SKYTREE" I hate my teammates, they're so loud for what?  I popped in the cheap earbuds that I got for 2 dollars. I may be kinda famous on youtube but I don't know where the hell the money I earned from those videos went, Coach probably stole it. Whatever, it's not like I need money to make me happy. 

I scrolled through my playlist and clicked on 1 out of 2 of the songs I was performing, occasionally humming along quietly. After the whole sky tree thing, the bus was pretty quiet after. I was sitting beside Asahi who seemed to be lost in his own little world while looking out the window. We were told Kageyama was going to arrive later, like probably towards the end, if we make it even. We had to train without Kageyama due to injuries he had, aka the ones I gave him but we aren't worried because Sugawara and I created a new quick attack. 

The attack is basically where Sugawara would set to the back of the court where I would be and I would have to aim for the other side of the court. It's very reckless and tedious but it's good that way because the other team wouldn't expect something like it. It's not fast like Kageyama's and it's kind of refreshing, actually having time to react and think instead of just going for it. 

I felt myself getting drowsy and I let sleep overcome me. 

Timeskip to when they arrive brought to you by me writing this at 2:18 am ✨

I was awoken by Asahi shaking me lightly.

"Hey wake up, we're here" I thanked him for waking me up and gathered my stuff and headed out the bus. I regret taking a nap as I feel energetic as hell right now. Everyone else looks like they could pass out, I am probably gonna sneak out later.

We got into our room and unpacked our stuff. We all took turns taking showers and clocked out for the night, well at least, they did. Once all of them were asleep. I got up and sneaked out of the inn. I didn't bring my ice skating bag out here because for once, I didn't wanna skate. I walked around a bit and spotted a hill I could sit on. 

"Didn't think I would see you out here" I flinched at the voice but then calmed down when I realized it was Hirugami's. 

"Hah yeah, I couldn't sleep" He took a seat beside me. 

"Nervous about the matches tomorrow?" 

"Not really, I'm more scared about the ice skating portion on Thursday"

"Don't be, we'll do great" He squeezed my hand and smiled at me softly. I hugged him and he hugged me back. He gives nice hugs. I soon fell asleep in his arms, content with the current moment

Hirugami POV (Omg first pov change of the book)

I soon heard even breaths from him. I love him a lot, he's so perfect and completely my type. He's way out of my league so I'm surprised he liked me back. I sat up and carried him to his room. He looks so pretty and cute when he's asleep. He always looks like an angel though. I reached the room and walked inside and set him down and tucked him in. I was about to knave back to my room when I heard a voice behind me.

"Who the hell are you?"

"No one, I'm just returning your teammate, Hinata"

"Please, next time keep that energetic brat to yourself and never bring him back"

"It's not nice to talk to your teammates like that. You should be grateful that you have someone like him, you're life would probably be a lot less eventful without him. Good night man." I shut the door and walked back to my room. I'm assuming that was Tsukishima judging by what Hinata said but I could be wrong. 

I understand what he means by being a salty, rude bastard. It's one thing to be ungrateful to those who help you but to call that beautiful sunshine a brat, I'd fuck you up for saying that. God, I'm smitten for that boy but I can't help it, I really just wanna wreck and break hi- okay nope, I think it's time for me to sleep.  

"Oi Hiru, where did you go" Hoshiumi was sitting up, looking at me with eagle-looking eyes.

"I went for a walk to help me fall asleep and ended up talking with Hinata a bit"

"When will you ask him out alreadyyyyy"

"I know what I'm doing Hoshi"

"He told me what you did to him a few nights ago" Ah, I forgot about that.

"Suddenly I'm very tired, good night"

"Whatever, we'll talk about it in the morning" I groaned and shut my eyes. Hoshiumi can be a brat at times but I still love him (platonically) though <3. 

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