Chapter 32

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~Zenitsu's pov~
•In the morning•

I heard a loud knock on my door and I got up opened the door and to my surprise it was Shinji-san

"Good morning Zenitsu-sama", Shinji happily greeted me.

I didn't think he'd actually do what I said, but then again I did say it so seriously.

"Didn't I told you to drop the "sama"? You can talk to me casually"

"But my status is lower than you and—"

"Woah, first of all I don't consider myself higher than anyone in this house. Why do you think I clean my own room and do some house work?", I elaborated, he seemed stunned by what I said. "Secondly I think personally think that people shouldn't get judged by status."

He looked at me with sparkles in his eyes like he was so amazed by me or something.

"I didn't think you thought that way", he chuckled

"Shinji-san how old are you? And do you live in the mansion or do you go home?"

"I'm 21 years old and I live in the dormitory in the mansion, but why are you asking these questions?"

"I choose you to be my butler for a reason"

"What's the reason then?"

"You said that your 21 and you live in the mansion's servant dormitory. Plus the fact that I only ever see working is on the late afternoons and evenings.", I elaborated he looked at me with a serious face. "Your a college student, right?"

He looked at me with a serious look as if analyzing what I'm going to do next. "Yes, your right"

"I see, do you have any classes today?"

"No, I don't have any classes today"

"Can I get your schedule? Oh and I'll give my school calendar schedule later"

"Sure I'll give it to you. But I think you should get ready since your grandfather is waiting for you"

"Oh shit! I forgot. You can go then I'll be down in a few minutes."

When he left locked the door and fixed my bed. I took a quick shower and choose a casual outfit, brushed my hair then went down.

"Zenitsu what took you so long?!", Grampa yelled

Ughh his so noisy in the morning!

"Nothing", I replied and sat down.

Today me and grampa are the only ones eating together as it should be.

"Gramps I have a question"

"If it's about why I didn't go with you father I rather not answer it"

"No. Actually how long will they be in Kyoto? And why did they even go there?"

"You know the usual, an investor wants to talk to your dad"

"I suppose. But how long will they be there or even be here in Japan?"

"Zenitsu I know you don't like your stepmother and half-sister but at least try to get along with them"

"Firstly I can get along without a doubt with my half-sister. Secondly my so called new mother is the one who picks fights. And thirdly that wasn't the answer to my question"

Gramps let out a deep sigh and looked at me with a slight sad look in his eyes. "Alright I get it. They will be in Kyoto for at least a week and they'll be living here permeantly"

I flinched and almost spit out my food when grampa finished his sentence.

"I know it'll be hard to adjust but since your dad left you for that  American woman. Nevertheless you shouldn't feel nervous they're here"

I finished my food and wiped my face with a napkin before replying to grampa "I'm not nervous or scared. I just have mixed feelings for dad right now. I'll be heading out then."

"Where are you going?"

"Just to hangout with my friends"

"Have fun then"


•Monday at school•
~Nezuko's pov~

I stared at the chalkboard in front of the classroom. I didn't know why but I can't stop thinking about what happened last Saturday—

"Koo! Nezuko!!"

I flinched by the sudden loud sound. When I look beside me it was just makomo.

"Sorry, what is it?"

She sighed and gave me a worried look. "I've been calling you for at least 3 minutes now. Did something happen to you?"

"Nothing really happened though"

"But you seem so deep in thought. Did someone confess to you?"

My felt my cheeks heating up and I quickly shook my head. "Where did you even get that?"

"It's because I had a friend that was confessed to and she was so deep in thought like you, hehe"

I sighed as she continued her story and i don't know how but talking to makomo always helps me calm down.

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