Heart's Language Unsealed

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A mystical moment of make-believe in a castle build of fantasies of a never ending happiness shield by the most perfect love story.

When the prince and princess dance in a stolen time when all dreams seems to be granted. An atmosphere enveloped by a romantic scent in an essence of falling into a deeper sleep.

All seems to be cooperating when a dose of reality slapped you to brought you back to the real world. Your heart died with the knowledge that the one you love is happy with the arms of another. And all left to you is a bunch of tears rolling from your eyes that in every drop adds to the intense of your pain.

I cried and ask myself why i've been so foolish to be a willing victim of imprisonment in a dungeon full of sorrow.

Yes, I am still breathing but never living!

I seem to die a hundred times and cant reconcile my soul back to life!

Compilation of Mys-Teary Eyes WorksWhere stories live. Discover now