Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7:

MagicLover: Oh thank the gods you are not mad at me. I was getting really depressed when I didn't hear from you. Please, please let me know from now on when you are taking time off. I understand. I wish I could do that but my house is always filled with people that won't leave me alone. The one person I want with me stays away from me, why can't it be the other way around? Well I am so glad we can talk. I have to go right now. Smile for me.

Lonelyboy17: I am sorry you have to deal with him being like that. From the way you sound I don't think I would ever be able to leave your side. Sorry I shouldn't have said that. Please forgive me. My mind is so hazy right now. I have to get to classes but I will talk to you later. Please smile for me.

After classes everyone was rushing around getting ready for the party. I followed in the shadows when some of the guys went to set up. I sat behind a tree at the far side until everyone returned and the party started. Keeping my eyes open for the clan or towns kids to show up and it didn't take long. They all started to arrive only a couple minutes after everything started. I saw Justin and Caleb sitting by Justins car and Caleb looked upset. Justin threw his hands in the air and walked off leaving Caleb alone looking to be on the verge of crying. My heart broke for him. I made my way through the trees, around the party and where Justins car was. I slowly walked on the side no one could see and reached my hand out to gently grab ahold of Caleb's. He jumped a little before looking over at me. I smiled and pulled on his hand hoping he understood what I wanted, he did. He looked around then let me lead him into the woods.

I walked for a couple minutes, trying to get us away from the loud party and alone. I found a spot and leant back against a tree and pulled Caleb a little towards me, not much, I wanted him to have the choice to stay or go. He continued to hold my hand so I took my thumb and rubbed it along the back of his, smiling when he shivered from my touch.

"Why do I trust you?" He suddenly asked, looking up at me and into my eyes. I almost stopped breathing. His wolf was coming through, there were specks of bright blue in his normal silver.

"I want to tell you, but I don't want to piss you off either. I don't think you will believe me." I told him and watched as he moved closer to me. He grabbed my other hand in his and leaned against me, chest to chest. I was dying inside. I wanted this all the time, I needed it. This was killing me.

"Please tell me Jackson. I am so confused all of the time. Whenever I see you I just want to be around you. Whenever I'm at home I think about you. Help me understand." He pleaded with me as he snuggled into my chest. I kissed the top of his head and pulled him away from me, letting go of his hands.

"I think that you are my mate Caleb." I saw his eyes widen and the blue came through a little more. He was shaking his head no and I knew this would happen, Fucking Justin.

"Justin is my mate. We are bonded. You're wrong." He spat out quickly making my head spin. I tried to grab his hands again but he backed away from me. My wolf whined, rejection, I flinched and grabbed my chest but quickly let it go not wanting Caleb to see.

"I know you will hate me for saying this. I don't think he is. I think he is using you to get Alpha status. I'm so sorry. Ever since that party I just knew it was you. Please Caleb." I pleaded with him but he stopped me.

"No. Justin is my mate. He would never lie to me about something that important. Even my father blessed the bonding. It's not. It can't be wrong." He spat out glaring at me. He really was rejecting me and I didn't want to be here any longer. I wanted Magic, I needed to talk to the one person that actually wanted to talk to me.

"I have to go. I'm sorry I bothered you Caleb." The sound of his name out of my mouth hurt me and my wolf. I looked at him for a quick moment and turned around running back to school. I had to stop this. I needed to let him go, but I knew I couldn't, he is my mate and his rejection tore through me.

When I made it back to my room I couldn't breath. My chest hurt and my wolf was digging inside of my head to be let out. I know we couldn't, not with everyone in the woods. I would get caught and the other clan would definitely kill me the next time they did catch me. I threw open my computer and started to write to Magic.

Lonelyboy17: I give up. I'm thinking of going back home and lying to my father. Tell him I did therapy and am not gay any longer. I can't stay here. Everyday is slowly killing me and after tonight it is so much worse. I can still talk to you if I do that. At least there is that. I just can't be so close to him anymore, it's what's killing me faster.

I sat in my room for hours waiting and wondering what I should really do. I was so close to starting to pack my things up when I heard everyone coming back from the party. Soon after my computer went off with a message and I knew it was Magic. I quickly grabbed it and started to read. surprise coming to me and dread taking over.

MagicLover: Please don't go. Knowing you are so close is what is keeping me sane. thinking one day we will meet and be great friends for real. I had something happen tonight also. I went to this party thrown by our rival school and my boyfriend ditched me. He was pissed because I didn't want to drink and be around all those people. Someone came up to me shortly after and held my hand. It felt wonderful. I always feel like I can trust him like I can trust you when he is around. There is this pull. But then he told me something that couldn't be true and I pushed him away. I feel so awful for that, I hurt him and I didn't mean to. I know he must hate me now. I wish it could be true, what he said, but I have my boyfriend and if it was true then everything I have been told by everyone else would have been a lie. Why would they all lie to me? I don't think they ever would. So I can't believe what he told me. This is all so confusing and I wish I could tell you more but I can't. Please understand. I am so glad I have you, please don't leave.

I sat there staring at the words on the screen and tried to comprehend it all. No. Please no. It can't be. Fuck me. My head hurts, I felt dizzy.

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