Activated Charcoal Beauty Mask

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Activated Charcoal Beauty Mask

You'll Need:

Activated Charcoal powder - Food Grade (1 tsp) 

Neem Powder (1 tsp)

Witch Hazel Extract (1 ½ tsp)

Non-toxic Glue (1 tsp) optional – if you want a peel-off mask

Water (Just enough to make our mask the consistency you want)

Activated Charcoal is pretty well known for its detoxifying properties. Make sure that you use actual activated charcoal not cooking charcoal that you would use in your grill. This is great for deep cleaning the skin, however, it's not great to inhale! You don't want to end up having it build up in your lungs- so when applying the mask be careful around the area under your nose. I usually skip this area altogether and just add some to the sides and top of my nose to prevent myself from breathing it in too much. The activated charcoal will help your skin detox, drawing out all unwanted dirt and other unpleasant waste to the surface.

A word of caution- if you haven't deep cleaned your face in a while or this is the first time using a facial mask it may feel strange at first. Your skin may feel tingly, sometimes you may even feel a minor burning sensation, but this is actually quite normal. I have found that if there is a lot of toxins and dirt built up this will happen as it exits your body. However, if you experience immense burning, or swelling remove the mask immediately, it may be that you are having an allergic reaction to one or more of the mask's components.

Neem is great for your skin. It contains anti-bacterial properties that help treat acne and pimples. It will also help moisturize your skin, as well as prevent and treat blackheads caused by blocked pores. In addition to all that, neem has anti-aging agents that reduce wrinkles and tone skin.

Witch Hazel is another great anti-aging agent for your skin. It helps to tone loose or wrinkled skin on top of being a great natural disinfectant and will often help to stabilize the natural PH balance of your skin.

Add all the ingredients into a container and mix until a paste is formed. I'd add the water last- just a little at a time to get the consistency desired. Apply to the face making sure to avoid your eyes and the area directly below your nose. (Again breathing in the activated charcoal as it dries is unpleasant and could prove harmful after a prolonged period if it were to build up in your lungs. Small amounts won't harm you if you happen to inhale some by accident- but try to avoid it.)

Leave on face for 15-20 minutes until dry.

Wash off with warm water thoroughly.

Pat your face dry with a towel.

Splash your face with cold water- this will open up your pores allowing them to breathe.

Pat face dry again with the towel.

Viola- easy.

Do this 2-3 times a week or when needed.

You can save any leftover mask mix for another time, just keep it in a lidded container. If it dries out, that's okay- add a few drops of water and mix until it is the right consistency again.   

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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