Not So Shy

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The tension outside the courtroom was thick, making everyone silently uncomfortable. Even though the were all the best of friends.

Spencer, the youngest of the BAU, was being tried and questioned on Prentiss' case.

Everyone was nervous for him. This kind of public pressure wasn't usually his thing.

But she was confident in him.

She leaned against the door, trying her best to listen intently to their interrogation.

"Calm down agent" she overheard the judge condescend.

She eagerly waited his response. She knew Spencer was smart. She believed in him.

"This is calm, and it's doctor."


When the courtroom doors finally opened, she rushed over to Spencer, eager to tell him how proud she was of him. She pulled him into a hug, and she felt his body tense up. It was normal for physical contact to make Spencer uncomfortable, but not with her. He had a soft spot for the girl.

So this was rather unusual.

"I- um... I have to go." He whispered, slightly pushing her off of him. Even when he was upset, he somehow still found a way to be as gentle as possible with her.

"Spence, wait..." She called after him. But he didn't stop.

She didn't mean to pry, but he meant so much to her. She was worried. She followed him outside the building and found him on a bench beside the back doors.

He had his hands resting on his knees, slightly slouching, eyes squinting in the sunlight.

"Hey." She said softly, taking a seat next to him.

He didn't respond. She gently placed her index finger under his chin and lifted his face to meet her gaze.

"Hey." She repeated, this time with firmer intent, "what's the matter, pretty boy?"

A quick flutter poked at his heart. He should be used to that nick name by now. Almost everyone had called him "pretty boy" at some point. But it felt different with her.

His glossy puppy eyes broke her heart. She hated to see him so upset.

"Aw, Spencer, you were wonderful. I heard the whole thing." She reassured.

She was being more touchy feely than usual. It was comforting, yet it made him feel embarrassed all the same.

And that's what broke him. Tears began to cascade down his cheeks, and she immediately pulled him into a tight hug, burying her face in his shoulder.

"Oh, sweet boy," she cooed, rubbing small circles into his back, her other hand stroking his hair in an attempt to soothe him.

"I was so scared up there," he cried, "the last thing- the last thing I wanted was for any of you to get in trouble because of me. I didn't want to mess it up. I didn't want-"

"Hey, hey, shh," she consoled, placing a small kiss on the shoulder of his blazer before pulling away. She carefully took his face in her hands, wiping her tears with her thumbs.

"Look at you, Spence," she said fondly, "look at my smart boy."

He couldn't help but melt at her touch, his cheeks turning a deep shade of pink.

She rested one of her hands on the back of his head, still stroking his hair gently.

"Here," she said, helping him to his feet.

"You were so brave, Spencer. I'm so proud of you."

She planted a quick kiss on his cheek, standing on her tip toes, as he was a good bit taller than her.

He didn't know what to say. He was at a total loss for words. He stood there, as red as a tomato, a complete stuttering mess, trying to find the right words to say.

"I- I, uh..." he began.

"Yes, baby?" She whispered, her face practically inches from his. She had to admit, she knew what she was doing at this point.

"You- earlier you- I mean... did you mean it?" He stuttered.

"Did I mean what?" She asked, her hands on the front of his jacket.

He didn't know what to do with himself. He was completely flustered.

"When you said- when you said I was-"

"Spit it out, Spencer," she coaxed sweetly.

"Your boy."

"Mhm," she hummed, nodding slightly.

With that, he gathered all the confidence he could muster and rested one hand on her waist and the other somewhere between her jaw and her neck so that his thumb was touching her cheek.

She got the hint and took the initiative to stand on her tip toes once more and kiss him.

He whimpered from the sheer shock of her reciprocating, so quietly it was almost inaudible.


She noticed.


She let out a breathy chuckle and smiled into the kiss.

"How long have you been waiting on that one, pretty boy?"

He didn't answer. He couldn't. This was too much.

Not able to help himself, he instead began to kiss the side of her face and down her neck.

She let out an audible sigh, surprised at his newfound confidence. He smiled into her neck, pleased with himself, to say the least.

"Not so shy anymore, are we, Spence?" She teased.

He pulled away, his breath still lingering on her lips.

"You're driving me crazy, pretty lady."

A.N.: to be continued??? possibly???? comment for part two if you enjoyed!

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