Befriending Arc

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  Every morning you wake up and see a simple empty bed. The sun seems like your only friend, it beams down upon you. Waking you up from the darkness that happens to be your dreams. Everything felt..dull. You start off with a morning coffee. Sadly staring into its deep brown liquid, pondering on what you did wrong. You had many friends, a great family and stable job. Yet here you were, lost contact with everybody, and barely have any money to pay this months rent. When's this gonna end? You question yourself. 

  Work was tiring and you barely got any sleep lately. 48 hours 2 times a week, with no time to have holidays or normal days off. The customers were awfully rude or were disgusting with their filthy hands always touching you. You rolled your eyes as you scoffed, when will this end?? A knock on your door appeared, and comes to your discovery it was Yellow Onion.

 "Oh hey there, Yellow Onion! What brings you?" You ask with surprise.

 "Surprise!" Yellow Onion their arms around you with complete joy. "Y/k Onion how have you been lately my good fellow neighbor?! You haven't been calling or anything!! I've been worried about you, y'know??" They put their hands on your shoulders, shaking you back and forth.

 "Haha, yeah sorry about that! I've just been so busy lately," you muttered. That was a lie. But you are super excited to see them at your apartment.

 "I hope I'm not intruding then!" Yellow Onion turned towards the door. Wait, but you don't want them to leave! Especially not now, you wanted to ask if they could loan you some money to help with this months rent. "Uhm, actually, I've been in a hustle lately. I lost my job and contact with everybody, you're really the only person I can really rely on right now. So, could you lend me some money?" You finally spoke. Yellow Onion looked hesitant. "I-I'm not going to just take some money of course! I'm planning on paying you back once I get the money!" You tried to sound convincing. You weren't lying on paying them back but the only problem is that you may not be able to find a job. You also had the chance of them refusing.

  "A-actually, my apartment is huge so as you know I've been lending my room to other people. But the problem is that they are usually very messy and rude or just untrustworthy. I haven't really been doing this for the extra money but more of to fill in the empty space. If you really need help I'll loan you the place-"

 "Really!?!" You grabbed onto Yellow Onion. "For how much!?! Once I get a job I'll start paying the amount I need to for the room!" Oh this is great! I may have a chance!

 "Aha, how cute! But I was thinking of just letting you stay for free, since I don't need the money," They rubbed their neck while avoiding eye contact.

 "W-What??? Are you serious?? I-I can't just do that! Look once I get a job I'll start paying!"

 "No no, Y/K Onion, we've been friends for so long, I don't want to do that. I know you're a good person so I want to give you this for free. You've been so depressed lately, so chill! Take a break, promise me, 'kay?" Yellow Onion looked at you. Their eyes were so piercing it was kind of hot. You had never seen them so relaxed and serious about something. Last time you saw them like this was in high school, but that was only because of Vidalia Onion. A true player they were.

 You sighed, "okayyyy, but I feel really bad about this. I will definitely pay you back for this, okay? I promise too," you bowed.

 "Haha! Yay! But no need to be so formal, makes me feel icky.." They shrugged. You both looked at each other for a while and busted out laughing.

4 Hours After, Yellow Onion Left Y/k Onions House. Y/k Onion Decides To Tell Green Onion, The Landlord, About Them Moving Out.

 You sigh as you look around to find how empty your apartment really was. Work was so over boarding that you didn't have time to really buy anything for personal interest. You had noticed this once before so went to a thrift store and bought the cheapest painting you could find. When you went home that day and hung it on the wall, you thought your apartment was so pretty now that you thought it didn't need anything else so you kept it that way. But you now realize how naïve you were 2 years ago. At least it'd be less for you to pack. You had probably ought to tell your landlord about your sudden moving plan. So you go to your wardrobe and change out of your pajamas, now embarrassed that you totally forgot you were wearing your pj's while Yellow Onion was there. You put on a simple t-shirt and decided to change into more presentable pajama pants while quickly putting on a jacket and some slippers. You make your way to the end of the different apartment buildings and head down the stairs. It was very sunny and when you walked out you were blinded at first since you hadn't been out of your apartment for a few weeks. Once at the bottom of the steps you head out into the parking lot where at the end of the road before it turned into a running road, there was a tiny trailer. Cars zoomed by as some water splashes all over you. Ugh! Why me?? Doesn't anyone know how to drive!?  You stomp on the ground now infuriated. You roll your eyes along with your body towards the door and knock on it. It wasn't too long until the door opened for you to see Green Onion. They were probably napping by the looks of it, their peelings were all messed up and their eyes were practically dragging to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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