chapter 7

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Jordan's POV

We easily slaughtered the girls team and I was back in the locker room as soon as the game was over. I had felt Austin's gaze on me through out the whole game and sent him daggers while I was on the bench for a bit towards the end. Was he attractive? Yes more than I'd care to admit, but he walked around like he knew he was and there was just something about him that pissed me off. And then there was what he said, ' I have no desire to hurt you.' It was an innocent thing to say but not many twenty-first century teens would use the word desire often. I shook my head and splashed my face. Looking around I realized only a few of my teammates were left in the small space, and even they were almost done and ready to leave. I grabbed my towel and dried my face then made my way over to my bag. I opened it and froze, then smiled at the sight of a familiar blue envelope. I looked out to see the last of my teammates had left and quickly opened it.

'Meet me at the soccer people's hang out in the woods.' I didn't even give it a second thought and hurriedly got changed and fixed up to go see AJ.

A few minutes later I made my way out of the locker room and tried making a beeline right back inside when I saw who was waiting for me. Unfortunately he was faster than me and easily made his way in between me and the door.

"Whats your rush darling?" he returned my glare with a smirk. "What you said not to call you sweets."

"The only thing you can call me is Jordan." I said folding my arms.

"How am I suppose to call ya without your number though?" He replied cockily. I rolled myself and turned to head to put my bag in my car. He jogged up in front of me and made me stop again.

"What do you want Austin?!" I said extremely exasperated. It was then I realized he wasn't smirking or carrying himself highly anymore.

"Ok look can we just start over? Im sorry. I just wanted to talk to you cause I thought you were gorgeous from the moment I saw you in the stands. I get a little over board with trying to act confident and turn into an ass, but I promise I'm not re-" I put my finger to his lips. Then I looked down and took his phone from his hand, added my number, and returned it.

"I have somewhere to be right now but text me and we'll go from there k?" I ran my hand down his arm then walked around him. "Oh and Austin?" he turned and looked at me, "Sorry about kneeing you earlier." He chuckled then after assuring me it was fine walked towards the other lot where his car would be parked.

I sprinted into the woods and toward the old little shed that acted as the soccer hang out. I reached it and the giddy feeling returned as I opened the door. I gasped at who was behind them though and they turned to look at me quickly, my giddiness gone.


"Uhm ya? What took you so long?" I shook my head and started pacing the small area, mumbling something about talking to Austin as I did.

"Wait you were talking to that Austin kid?! Did you get his numb-"

"Where'd you get that envelope?"

"The blue one? In Broden's room, why?"


"Ya my brother you know?" Suddenly I was a little less confused about all this. I smiled and starting to calm down turned back to a highly confused Jamie.

"So why'd you want to meet me here?"

"I just heard something about it and wanted to see it but I figured I might get in less trouble if a soccer girl was here with me I just didn't know it was gonna be this... small." She looked around the small shack only big enough for a small couch and a mini fridge. The walls were decorated with past team pictures and the guys immature dick drawings. I smiled at her and said "Is it though?" I pushed past her and toward the couch. Pulling the right cushion back and half of the pull out bed underneath I revealed a staircase. She went down first then let me lead again at the bottom. We walked down a hallway and through a door that led to the main room. No one else was there right now but yet you could still smell the abandoned cigs of weed and left over beer cans. There was also more couches and chairs scattered through out the area, and we made our way toward a group of them.

"So this is where y'all disappear to?" Jamie asked as she flopped down on the sofa close by.

"Yep," I started listening different things that had acquired. then I remembered a memory of my own, " actually me and Andrew had our first kiss right over there..." I said pointing to the small cafe table across the room.

"Who is this Andrew guy anyways? Broden always talks about him, he has a few pics of him in his room even..." Her eyes bulged and she started frantically getting up.

"Wait what? Jamie-"

"No! I've said too much, I-I gotta go, bye." She ran up the stairs and out the doors before I could stop her.

comment who you think AJ is I get three guesses and ill post chappie 8! love ya all!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2015 ⏰

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