Chapter 3 - will | fire

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She ran as fast as she could, and as stealthy as she tries to be, while praying to God that she's traversing the right way. Adrenaline course in every inch of her veins and all she could ever think at that moment is to escape. Escape from that evil noxious mansion that people call it her home.

Ignoring the twigs and branches that scared her battered face and arms, while ripping her once elegant dress now covered in mud as she pass-through viciously into the depths of the forest.

She needs to hurry.

She needs to hide.

She needs to break out!

Break free!

Her pink tresses were unruly and grubby and she wanted to rest even just for a bit. The rosette is sure that she's more than a mile away from that prison, but life was never fair; there was no time to even catch a breath when she heard the howling of the hounds.

And she's sure as hell that wasn't a sound that came from a normal hound but from the pest ridden jackals of the earth. Those diabolical beasts that roam the forest in packs.

Always hungry for human flesh and also owned by the owner of the mansion that she escaped from. They were nurtured to be the sentinels of this dark murky forest, allowing them to have the privilege to capture any convict or hostage regardless if they are innocent or not.

The night sky was so clear and the glowing light from the moon loomed large that you could almost see every crater and it was the only light that she could use to help her navigate her way. She knows deep down that this is a bad idea, because out of all the routes that she could take, she took the most difficult one. But she has no choice, this is the only way that could help her survive and all she gotta do is jump off from this rudely paved and agonizingly high cliff.

Her breathing ragged and her body started to quiver as she took a peak on the edge of the cliff. Persuading herself over and over again that she's doing the right thing, despite her uncontrollable beating heart that almost made her stone deaf. It was shrieking red flags that teared her eyes away from the cliff.

Growling sounds were all over the place, the rosette gulped and took a few steps back. The pack of wolves already caught up to her. Their hackles rose and their nuzzles curled back to expose pearl-white fangs while some toxic saliva dripped down their mouths. Their ears shoved forward, tail held high as they formed a half circle around the rosette, caging her.

Okay, you only have two choices, Sakura. You either jump off the cliff and into the dark raging river that has a fifty percent chance that you'll survive or outrun these wolves that leads you to a hundred percent chance that they will have you for dessert.

So what will it be?

There was no time to think for a third option because her body collided with the dirt brusquely. She was lucky enough to avoid the attack of the alpha wolf. She scurried herself, scraping her fingers on the dirt and gravel while pushing her legs forward to reach the end of the cliff but was dragged backwards abruptly. The alpha wolf that attacked her earlier had bitten her skirt, heaving the rosette away from the cliff whilst the other wolves slowly enclosed her.

Tears ran down uncontrollably, fear sucked the very breath from her mouth while she could no longer control her body, it was shaking in an odd trembling rhythm.

Will this be the end of her?

The alpha wolf towered Sakura. Its canines ready to sink in her flesh as it rabidly snarled at her, telling her there is no escape. It opened its mouth ready to taste the first bite as the saliva dripped unto the rosette's face.

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