chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to lisa a.k.a mommy

I don't have a name for this yet I'm thinking of aftermath, but I'm not sure. Send me your option.



I was sitting in my room thinking about all the things that have happened. The good the bad. Erik and I decided to wait till after college to get married. I remember when I came home to tell my family......

I walked in the back door. I was nerves to say the least. Mom was preparing dinner.


"yes sweetie"

" well.. know..."

I cant do this. What if she think me being gay is just a faze that I will get over. Will she still love me. Can I really do this.


As soon as those words left my lips she screamed. She ran over to me hugging me, kissing me.

"I have to get flowers. I have to find the perfect cake. Omg are you going to wear a dress.. No tux.. White"

Everyone came into the kitchen after she screamed. Saber was the first one to try. And I say try to clam mom down. That didn't work.

"why is she screaming" saber

" me and Erik are engaged"

I felt someone wrap their arms around me. I tilt my head a little. Their he is the love of my life he helped me more thin he will ever know.

" I see she's happy" Erik

"yes, yes she is"


I had a small smile on my lips. I'm just happy that everyone is happy for me. Phil has been teasing me about being the "girl" in the relationship. It's non-stop with him.

Erik was at some diner with his family. Saber was out fighting. Mom and her husband are out for date night. Phil is some where. I'm laying on my stomach on my bed. I was drawing a picture for art class. All I had to do was shading and it would be finished.


I lifted my head towards my door. Maybe Phil dropped something.

Bam, bam, bam

Now I was scared I got up a grabbed "Bella". I creped towards my door. I pressed my ear to it. I don't hear footsteps. I grabbed the handle opening the door.

Bam, bam

The noise is coming from the living room. I head to the steps. I peek over the railing but cant see anything. I head downstairs into the kitchen.

I flip on the lights ready to knock out who ever it is. Phil whips his head to me. I lower "Bella".

" hey.. I about knocked you out

" Devin

" ya..I thought everyone was gone" Phil

" no"


"well continue where you left off "

I headed back to my room. With my picture done. I head to the shower. I turned on the water to let it warm up. I stripped my clothes. Stepping into the shower I turned my back to let the water pressure relax my muscles'.

I put some body wash one my sponge. I was almost finished when the shower Curtin was opened. I screamed like a girl. I tried to grab the Curtin but it was out of reach. When I looked at my attacker.

Erik was laughing at me. I glared at him. Turning my back I tried to get my breathing under control. After about two minutes I could breath normally again.

I turned around to face Erik when I noticed he was naked. Let's just say I LOVED the site. I was actually drooling. He stepped closer to me wrapping his arms around me.

"I missed you" Erik

"You was 3 hours" Devin

"Your point is" Erik

" I love you

" Devin

" I love you more

" Erik


Ok tell me if you like

This chapter goes to my mom. Who encouraged me to keep on writing.

Love and peace


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