chapter four

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it is so not funny. so i got myself tangled in the tent. it's not like i'm the first person to ever do that. i was ignoring Erik he can grovel a little longer.

" Dev please i'm sorry" Erik

"Dev you have to forgive me"

" i have chocolate"

OK so i forgive him. he knows i have a weak spot for chocolate. who doesn't.

" so  i'm going to tell you a story about the old lady that lived on the hill.........."

i looked around the fire everyone was into the story that Jeremy was telling. the twins was ok. i just wished James would open up a little bit. but i know he'll open up to us when he's ready.

saber was leaning against blade's side asleep. blade was stuffing his face with marshmellow's. james and Erik was fighting over a stick to roast theirs. 

"Erik we're in the WOODS go find another one" Devin

" but i want that one" he said while trying to pout. key word try. James got tired of pulling on the stick so he let go and Erik went backwards off the log we are sitting on. 

" hey that was mean" erik

" well you still have the stick" Devin


i'm so sorry that i haven't wrote in a long time, but i finally got my computer fixed..YAY me.. i know this is short but i want to put something up...

tell me what u think 


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