Broken Promises (Wanda)

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Body frozen, staring straight in front of you, barely able to breath. Tears brimmed you eyes, blurring your vision but that didn't change what was happening mere meters away. Heart shattered, backing out of the doorway as if you were never there. Everything hurt, like it was burning. Scorching you from inside out, enraged and confused. You wanted it all to stop, just to turn back time and unsee it - maybe denial would be better. Yet you couldn't, the image seared into your brain, resurfacing with every blink behind your eyes.

Forcing air into your lungs, you held yourself together, you couldn't break yet, they might hear you. So, you did the first thing that came to mind. You ran. Mind elsewhere, no destination planned, you just ran, pumping your legs to the point where they screamed for you to stop. Still, you continued, the further the better, hoping desperately that the pain building in your chest would ease.

When you finally slumped to the ground beneath, unable to carry on, you took in your surroundings and all your emotions came crashing back into you. Just two months ago the both of you had stood here, hand in hand. The rain had pattered in a soft and delicate tune. Her loving eyes gazed into yours as she made you false promises. Maybe you had been blinded by love that you didn't see it until too late or perhaps you were just a fool. What did it matter now, nothing could dull the throbbing your heart felt as it broke piece by piece the more the scene replayed in your head. Toying with you.

Your last ounce of strength dissipating as you let the tears cascade like waterfalls down your face, there was no point in trying to hold it together. No one to be strong for anymore. Sobs wracked through your fragile body, remembering what was said. 'I'll love you forever and always' Her words becoming futile air the longer you stayed crumpled on the floor. Where was forever now?

Wind howled through the trees, ripping leaves off branches with ease. Emotions toppled logic, digging your hands into the dirt as you screamed. Your powers taking over as thunder cracked, lightning dancing in fierce streaks along the sky. Drops of rain pounded onto your bare arms, cooling your flushed skin. Clumps of mud now wedged under your fingernails as it was churned up by the force of the oncoming storm. It was as if the world was crying with you, understanding the agony raging inside of you.

How could you go back now? How could you go back to her? The woman who vowed to never hurt you, who you trusted and cared for. The woman you loved. For her that love was all a lie, convinced that everything between you two had been a facade she had put up. What do you do now?

Reluctantly, you heaved yourself off the floor- you couldn't sit there forever. A chill had settled in your bones, shivers running through you as you dragged your depleted self back to the compound. Every inch of you felt physically and emotionally drained, as if the life had been sucked out of you. Dread sat heavy in your chest, you had to go back to that room, the one you had so lovely shared hours earlier. You were going to have to face her.

Making your way up the many levels of the tower, you caught glimpses of your reflection in the glass. A distorted and broken version of yourself staring back. Eyes puffy and swollen, red circles forming underneath. Your hair was wet, still dripping from the earlier downpour, clothes feeling heavy with the extra weight. Shoulders sagged, head limply staying upright. You were a mess.

Standing opposite the door, you were frozen once again, terrified for what was about to come. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you twisted it open, revealing the familiar room. Wanda Maximoff perched in her usual place on your bed, book in hand, the warm yellow light illuminating the room as she read. It all looked the same as normal. Bed unnoticeably remade, clothes that had been strewn on the floor now picked up. You would never had suspected anything had happened had you not stumbled into the room two hours before.

Your girlfriend looked up at the noise, concern flooding her features at your state. Rushing towards you, she gently guided you into the room, closing the door behind you. No sound came from your lips, no voluntary movement in your muscles. You didn't know what to do. Only when Wanda went to pull you into her embrace did you react, holding out your arms to keep her away. It took all your strength to not collapse into her, wanting her warmth and comfort more than anything at this moment. Her face contorted into that of even more confusion and worry. Why were you reacting like this?

"(Y/n), baby what happened?" She cooed softly, attempting to place a hand on your tensed shoulder.
"You lied to me," you muttered, voice sounding utterly heartbroken, shrugging her off once again.
"What are you talking about?" Wanda anxiously asked, panicking that you knew what she had done- which you did.

"You told me you loved me," sniffles interrupted your words, tears starting to trickle down your cheek. "You lied. I saw you with him."

"No, no. (Y/n) that's not what you think..." Wanda tried to defend herself, but it was too late, your mind was already made up.

"Really..." rage started to boil in your veins. "So I didn't walk in on you and vision sleeping together in our bed. Your wrong Wanda this is exactly what I think."

The young Maximoff didn't reply, how could she, after all she was the one in the wrong. Instead, she fiddled with her hands, avoiding your piercing gaze. This however, fuelled your anger further, a furnace now igniting within you. It was impossible to keep your cool. "That's it turn away. You could at least look at me or am I too much of a disappointment to acknowledge."

"You're not a disappointment (Y/n). It was an accident. It didn't mean anything." Wanda said those all too familiar words, it always meant something, that's why people do it.

"Bullshit," you protested. "If it didn't mean anything you wouldn't have felt the need to do it and don't start telling me you love me. I've heard it all before, you don't love me. This is not what love is."
"I'm sorry" a tear slipped down Wanda's face, an expression of hurt on her features. What right did she have to be upset?

"I don't want you god damn apology Wanda!" You shouted, making the girl flinch slightly. She wasn't scared of you hurting her, she knew you never would, but she'd not once heard you use that tone with her. There was no way she was going to win you back. "You don't get to be sorry. I made myself open up to you, became vulnerable and you abused that. You made me love you. Why the fuck would you do this?"

It wouldn't surprise you if the rest of the tower could hear your anguish, but to be quite honest, you didn't care, too blinded by your outrage. The wind outside the compound began to harshen, your lack of control brewing a storm that would soon strike. Clouds darkening as a coldness began to claim your heart, protecting you from the pain.

Taking deep breaths, you regained your composure, burying your anger deep down to hopefully be lost in a sea of emotions. You were tired, so tired of fighting and feeling pain, wanting everything to go away. Desperate to escape, you grabbed a bag, stuffing your necessities in as quickly as you could. Wanda watched, feeling powerless, there was nothing she could do to stop you. She hated herself for making the stupid decision, a moment of lust demolishing the relationship you had built together in a matter of minutes.

"Please don't go," she whispered almost inaudibly.

"I can't stay here. You'll get over me, I think a part of you already has." You spoke with your back turned, ready to leave.

"I'm so sorry," Wanda repeated her earlier statement as you tugged on the handle, wishing she could do something to prevent this.

"So am I," and with those final words you went your separate ways, closing the door for the last time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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