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I always have asked myself , how can I truly know myself when I know nothing of where I'm from or who I came from.
It's been about 17 years since my parents passed away. Today is the anniversary of their death , it's truly weird because nobody has ever explained how they passed away . It's still a mystery but that's an issue for another day.

Today I am headed to meet my new foster parents, I've been kicked from home to home . Nobody has ever wanted me and after one mistake I go to a new home. Why can't I just find home , I just want to find a place where I can call home . I know I can be a pain in the ass but it's just because I'm hurting and I don't know who I am. I hope this place will be home .

Currently my social worker was driving me to my new home. Her music taste was not it though , so I plugged my headphones into my phone and then into my earbuds. I could hear her faintly telling me too behave and not get myself kicked out again , but once again I ignored her I know she wants the best for me yet she doesn't know what I'm going thru.

We soon arrive and I open my door to get out of the car we are now located in San Diego we came all the way from Carlsbad. Not anything  different though . My social worker said " I hope you can behave please your almost out of here soon in a couple months just don't cause any issues for this family , this is the last family willing to take you in." I scoffed and said "yea yea I know the drill , I'll soon be out of here and stop being a bother towards you guys." She looked at me with pity eyes , which I hated I don't want anybody's pity . She knocked on the door and an old lady opened the door " Hi I'm Sheryl , you must be the new kid I'm fostering " she said towards me . I nodded my head and she said " come on in , I don't bite" I looked at my social worker with a weird face, she just ignored me and walked in.

The old lady had served us some tea and we got straight to the point of me moving in and the process of her signing papers. She looked sweet and I noticed she was living here alone. Sheryl had said with a smile " I hope you can make yourself at home for the remainder of the time you are here ." I had replied "Thank you " I don't know how I feel about this place but all I do know that it is temporary. My social worker had been walked out by Sheryl and we said our goodbyes and soon I heard her car fading away into the wind. I felt truly alone and needed a breather. I has asked Sheryl " so.. where is the room I'm going to be staying in " she replied with " oh yea sorry about that dear it's this way follow me" I soon started following her up the stairs and it was this simple room yet comfy like home. "Thank you Sheryl , you have been truly nice too me , you don't get much good foster parents in the system , but you are truly something else thank you." Sheryl looked like she was tearing up and hugged me. " I couldn't wish for a better foster child " " I'll let you get unpacked I'll be downstairs hun."

I soon finished unpacking and I was completely exhausted, I decided to walk around the neighborhood so I can explore the new place I'm staying at , I had told Sheryl and she had agreed just said to be careful and to not stay out to long . Apparently there are wolves around here.

I walked out of the house to breeze hitting my face , it felt so good and relaxing. I took a walk down the block and kept walking towards wherever my feet would take me. I ended up in front of a forest , I decided to stop my walk there and head back that was until I heard some bushes and leaves moving and rustling it sounded like someone was there.

Authors Note:
Cliff Hanger Tingz i hope y'all don't get mad at me , but yea I hope you enjoyed this chapter and give me feedback in the comments. I love you guys and I post every Thursday . See y'all next week 😘.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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