Larry Beignet and the Night He Met Santa

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 'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring... except for Larry Beignet. The twelve year old boy kept tossing and turning waiting for the sun to rise so that he may open up his presents that he had received from Santa Claus.

"Oh, I hope Santa will arrive before the sunrise," Larry said to himself while staring up at his ceiling. His room was illuminated by the warm light coming from his night light next to his bedroom door. His room was messy from all the toys and video games that adorned the shelves and his floor. Larry turned to his left to catch a glimpse of the snowfall outside his window.

Larry thought about all the toys and video games he would be surprised with in just a few hours. He thought about how angry he'd be if he were to receive any clothing or books. He didn't care for reading and he didn't care about socks or pants or underwear. He wore the same underwear five days in a row before he would switch to a new pair. He thought people who switched to a new pair after a day of wearing them were stupid.

As Larry dreamt of toys and thought about his disdain for underwear he heard a noise on the roof. Larry's eyes opened in the blink of an eye. He then heard footsteps coming from the first floor of his house (actually his parent's house, but Larry considered everything owned by his parents to also be his, however he was adamant that his items were his and no one else's). Larry got out of bed, put on his bunny slippers, and headed downstairs to see what all the commotion was.

Larry was only halfway down the staircase when he saw who was in his living room, Santa Claus. Santa looked exactly how Larry had always pictured him. He wore the red suit with the white fur and a hat to match. Larry stopped to observe Santa for a bit. Santa was eating one of the cookies that Larry's mother had left out for him. Santa pulled some presents out of his bag and sat them down next to the Christmas tree. He then made his way to the stockings. Larry leaned in to get a better look, but as he leaned forward the step he was on creaked and alerted Santa. Santa turned around and was surprised to find that Larry was watching him stuff the stockings that were hung by the chimney with care.

"Larry Beignet?" Santa had asked when he made eye contact with the young boy.

"Santa, you're actually here in my living room putting presents under my tree and in my stocking just like in the Christmas specials. Do I get a special present for catching you in the act?" Larry said with a smile on his face. Santa hesitated for a second while Larry made his way towards him.

"Sorry Larry, there's no special prize for catching me," Santa said awkwardly as Larry stood in his personal space.

"Oh well I guess my prize could be opening my presents in front of you so I can let you know what I like and don't like," Larry said as he started crouching down next to the tree to find his presents.

"I don't think you should do that, Larry. I'm sure your parents want to watch you open your presents."

"Nah, I'm good. Besides, if they had wanted to watch me open my presents they'd be down here right now. It's not my fault they slept through your arrival," Larry said as he grabbed one of his presents and shook it next to his ear. "I think I'll open this one first."

Larry proceeded to tear the holiday themed wrapping off a small box. His grin widened as he opened the present. Santa began to back up towards the chimney. Larry took a look inside the box to find...

a piece of COAL

"Santa, what's this?" Larry asked as his smile faded away.

"Well Larry, you see... I thought you were more naughty than nice this year," Santa explained as his cheeks began to get redder than usual.

"How? I've been a good boy all year. I don't think I've done anything naughty for the past twelve months," Larry said as he grabbed another present.

"Larry, that's just flat out not true. You're one of the naughtiest children in your town," responded Santa as Larry began to open the other present.

"How am I naughty!?" asked Larry as he opened the second present to find another piece of coal. "Two pieces of coal!? Santa you've got to be kidding me. How can you believe I deserve two pieces of coal? Even after you ate the cookies that my mom baked for you? Maybe your brain is messing up because you're so old. I don't know but it's worrying."

"Larry, I didn't give you two pieces of coal because my brain is messed up! I gave you two pieces of coal because you deserve it. You're a naughty little gremlin who's spoiled and manipulative," Santa said as he began to slowly shake from anger.

"How am I manipulative? Santa, seriously, I think you should ask one of your elves if they're qualified to be your therapist because you're talking crazy right now. You're acting erratic and delusional. Has Mrs. Claus said anything about your behavior?" Larry said as he invaded Santa's personal space.

"Larry, you are literally trying to gaslight me right now. There's your proof that you're manipulative," Santa said with hatred in his voice.

"'Gaslight?' What is that? A new reindeer? Seriously Santa, give me proof that I'm manipulative," Larry said with disdain.

"No Larry, gaslighting is when some naughty little gremlin tries to manipulate you by trying to make you believe that you're crazy. Which is what you're doing right now you naughty little gremlin," Santa told Larry as he began to make his way inside Larry's chimney.

"Santa, where are you going? This conversation isn't over. Fine, I admit that you believe that you're not crazy and that I supposedly tried gaslighting you. However, you never gave me a good reason on why I'm spoiled so half of your reason why I deserve coal is wrong... So, you should give me some presents now and extra because you tried gaslighting me into thinking I was naughty," Larry said as he blocked the entrance to the chimney.

"You really want an example of you being a spoiled little brat? How about earlier when you suggested opening the presents in front of me so you could let me know which presents were bad and which presents were good. There's your first example. And let's not forget in October when your mom bought you that VR-headset but she got you the cheaper model so you broke one of her fine china plates while she was at work," Santa said to Larry in a stern voice.

Larry thought about the plate he smashed after Santa brought it up. He started to feel bad about smashing it because he remembered that his mom was really excited when she bought it for only two dollars at a yardsale. Then Larry thought about how she deserved it for buying him an inferior VR-headset when he specifically asked for the better version.

"No Santa, I just think you're trying to gaslight me into thinking I'm naughty when I'm obviously not," Larry said as Santa shook his head.

"You're not using the word 'gaslight' right and I'm not trying to gaslight you. I'm just telling you the truth."

"That's exactly what a gaslighter would say," Larry said as he nodded his head.

"Listen Larry, I don't have time for this. I have to deliver actual presents to all the nice kids on my list," Santa stated before he shot up Larry's chimney.

Larry stood alone in his living room for a moment. He looked inside his stock to find a pair of socks. He pulled out the socks and noticed that there was something inside one of them. He looked inside the sock to find another lump of coal.

Larry headed back to his room and laid in bed. He thought about what Santa had said. Larry asked himself, "Am I really spoiled and manipulative?" He looked around his room and noticed all the toys and video games that he had gotten from his parents. He looked towards his desk and stared at the VR-headset that he hardly used. Larry thought to himself, "Maybe I am spoiled. Actually, I am spoiled. I am spoiled, but who is Santa to tell me that I'm spoiled?" Larry then jumped out of bed and began to punch the air as he thought about Santa and what he said. "Next year I'm gonna put laxatives in Santa's cookies."

Larry Beignet and the Night He Met SantaWhere stories live. Discover now