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854, shortly after landing on Paradis

The quiet growling of the arriving airships filled the otherwise serene district of Trost. It was no night for celebrations as neither of them could rejoice in the one-sided destruction they have doomed Marley with. The little information they'd based their assault on was just as premature as it was thoughtless, and Hanji knew for sure disaster would follow Eren's deeds, causing the further downfall of the little island they've called home, Paradis. Violence begets violence, and the impulsivity they've slaughtered thousands of people with was like as if they were digging their own grave.

To clear some things up, she's decided to have a talk with Eren in the confinement of his prison cell, but it didn't take her anywhere. Instead of easing her worries, only more seemed to arise.

Under the khaki green long coat she wore, there was the brand new equipment of the Survey Corps which consisted of trifling iron plates, structured similarly to the leather straps they used to wear to adjust their balance while using the 3D manouver equipment, only this version was designed for combat against humans. The aspect of agility and dexterity their old uniforms enjoyed diminished, instead, strength and durability took over. The form-fitting black cotton attire clinged to their bodies like a second layer of skin, offering both warmth and stealth for their wearer. The combination of their old and new uniforms forged a way for them to be both flexible and durable, while assisting in unexpected scenarios ahead. When her eyes wandered to her chestplate, the Wings of Freedom stared back at her almost mockingly. It was Hanji's own design, yet for some reason, treading in the set felt considerably heavier by the minute - probably it was just the years catching up to her, though.

Leaning against the wooden door that opened to the basement, a troubled sigh escaped her throat.

"Why did you ever make me Commander...?" Hanji breathed, holding her head in pain, "Erwin... This was your one mistake."


Thanks to being absent-minded, floating somewhere out in the space, she didn't even notice Levi approaching.

"Did you get anything out of that brat?" He inquired on his usual, emotionless tone. To his question a somber shake of her head was the answer.

"I'm afraid whatever he said doesn't make too much sense in my mind yet."

Hanji simply couldn't rid herself of the bothered, distressed expression that took over her features. Her back was hunched, and unexpectedly, she slumped down to the cold floor. The lightheadedness she's been feeling caught up to her.

"What's wrong, Four Eyes?" That nickname... It's been such a long time. A bittersweet emotion curled a smile on her lips, one, that reminded her of times less complicated than the present.

"I'm tired, is all."

With short yet hurried steps forward, Levi knelt down in front of her. Without any questions asked whatsoever, he placed his hand on her forehead, quietly tsking once he realized what was going on. He gave her a look that chilled her to the very core, which needed no interpretation. Levi was annoyed with her.

"You have a fever. I'll put you to bed." He grumbled, throwing her left arm over his neck, lifting her body.

"Thanks, Levi." Hanji buzzed, her brain gradually slowing down. All of her senses were a bit dull already, she could tell by how blurred the light of the candles were, or how heavy her limbs felt as she was trying to walk.

The next time she awoke, she was already in bed, wearing nothing but her underpants and a . The entirety of her chamber was engulfed in a gloomy light provided by a single candle standing tall on the desk. The flickering, dancing yellow flames of it in the dark room made the shapes of the furnitures discernible, while fading all the colors to gray. The softness of her bed couldn't be compared to the cramped cabin she's spent the last few days in on the airship. As she rose from the anemity of her pillows, her insistent hazy vision spun her head, but as far as she could tell, everything was in order.

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