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I looked at Ajax as we crouched in the night. I looked to my left Brandon crouched next to me. Ajax looked through his pair of night vision binoculars.

"What do you see?" I asked in a whisper as I looked away from him and looked straight ahead.

"Three guards with only pipe pistols. We picked a good settlement. These people barely have any defense," Ajax answered.

Ajax handed me the binoculars. I looked through them, I saw the three guards and a campfire. "These binoculars suck," I whispered.

"It's not like it's brand new, these are very old. And the night vision barely works," Ajax replied as I handed the binoculars to Brandon.

I watched as Brandon looked through them. I started to hear a noise from above. I looked up, I could barely see an outline of an object moving above us in the sky.

"Virtibird," Brandon said as he looked up at the object.

"Brotherhood, they occupy the west. We don't have to worry about them, come on let's go get the other three," Ajax said.

I looked at him and nodded.

This is an easy target as long as the Minutemen don't show up.


Five minutes later we had finally made it back to our temporary camp. Jake stood next to the small campfire. He had his Pipe Rifle in his left hand, the stock standing up on the ground. He had metal armor with a red moon painted on it. We all wore the same armor I had a line painted on my chest plate. Jake had two lines painted on his.

Brandon and Ajax didn't have any lines on theirs, meaning they are at the lowest rank. "Three guards with Pipe pistols." I informed Jake.

Jake walked over to Travis who was asleep. He was leaning up against a tree. Travis was the same rank as me with one line painted on his armor.

Jake kicked Travis's leg, waking him up. "Get up! It's time!" Jake hissed.

Travis quickly got up. Jake looked at me and motioned for me to lead the way.


I stopped in a different spot as before. "I'll take out the guards you four make sure nobody shoots a damn flare!" Jake hissed.

I nodded and motioned for the other three to follow me closer. I looked at Travis who nodded at me and got his Pipe pistol out. I get mine out and we wait for the first shots.

I looked at Ajax and Brandon. "You two watch us," I said. Brandon and Ajax nodded.

Once we finally heard Jake shoot and kill the first guard Travis and I ran out with our Pipe Pistols raised and aimed at the wooden homes.

The two guards aimed there guns at us. Before they could squeeze their triggers Jake shot one of them, hitting his head killing him.

Travis and I shot the last guard multiple times in the chest. The man shoots his gun as he died and fell to the ground.

I looked to my right, Travis was choking on blood as he stood next to me. He suddenly fell to the ground. "Ajax get over here, grab his gun!" I shouted. A woman ran out of one of the four homes.

I noticed an flare gun in her hand. I didn't hesitate to shoot the woman. I shot her in the back before she could raise the flare gun and shoot.

Just as Ajax caught up to me and grabbed Travis's gun two elderly men and a woman run out of a house. I shot my gun twice before it was out of rounds. Ajax shot the woman until she fell.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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