Right Place, no Matter the Time

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end of 5th year

I hum happily  to myself, just reading in the courtyard. I'm one of the only ones wearing my uniform, though my tie is loose and my shirt isn't tucked in. I long since ditched the skirts and have just been wearing pants, having the seamstresses make them for me so that I don't have to steal my brother's and alter them.

I glance up from my book to look around the courtyard, noticing a few other people around me. A boy with bright purple hair and a Gryffindor tie around his neck, and a couple other girls, all of whom are staring at him. I can see why; he's an attractive enough boy, but he clearly has no interest in anyone else in the courtyard, so I don't bother with him and just go back to my book.

Christmas, 7th year

It's two days to the Christmas ball, which the school started doing annually after the staff realized how much the students enjoyed the Yule Ball. My sister, miraculously, has a date. She and our friend Matt are going as friends.
Which is great for them, but leaves me without a partner. (Which Ivy finds greatly amusing)

"Oh come on Er. Girls have been falling all over themselves to ask you, just pick a nice one and say yes. Or be a gentleman and ask my sister." Matt said, teaching himself to tie a tie.
I snort and go help him. "I've never even met your sister, and I'd rather not give her the wrong impression by asking her to a dance at our first meeting."
Matt chuckles. "Okay okay."


I sigh, standing in front of the mirror in my dorm. The Ball starts in 20 minutes and I never managed to get a partner. Matt and Ivy left a little while ago, so I'm left alone in the dorm.
I steel myself before heading down to the great hall, finding a bustle of people all in pairs, happily dancing around the room. I smile a little when I notice Ivy and Matt messing around on the dance floor. However my attention is quickly pulled to a beautiful girl standing at the side of the crowd.

I've never seen a woman so beautiful. Her Chocolate brown hair is braided with strands of gold, the same colour glittering over her eyelids, making her grey eyes look a light silver, and her dress has a beautiful gold bodice that fades into a glittering white. She doesn't look uncomfortable, but she's also clearly not used to wearing such formal dress.

I glance back at my sister and her friend before slowly making my way over to the girl, who's not looking at me.
"May I have a dance?" I ask, offering her my hand.
She looks up at me. "I'm uh- I'm not one for crowded spaces."
"Then why don't we head out to the courtyard then? It's quiet and empty." I offer, not even knowing myself why. She intrigues me. I don't even know her name and yet I know I will never meet another woman as beautiful as her.
She smiles at me. "Sure." she takes my hand and we head out to the courtyard, where I lead her into a gentle dance. Being more careful than usual because of the ice on the ground.

"What's your name Beautiful?" I ask, gently twirling her around.
She chuckles. "Emma, though I'd prefer it if you just keep calling me Beautiful." she jokes. "What's your name Charmer?"
"Eric." I chuckle and dip her back so she's looking up at me, winking jokingly.
"A gryffindor I see." she jokes.
I snort. "That obvious?"
"Hmm and most likely a ladies man." she teases, a smirk gracing her lips. A part of me is tempted to kiss her, though I'm not sure why.

I do it anyway, pulling her into a gentle kiss.

She doesn't object, and just moves the hand that was on my shoulder to my jaw, close enough to me that I can feel the warmth off her body. She fits perfectly in my arms, as if they were made for her to be in them.

She pulls away from the kiss and smiles at me. "Cocky Gryffindor." she muttered, her tone teasing but fond.
"Ravenclaw?" I guess.
"Oh so he does have a brain under all that muscle." She teases, brushing her hand over my jaw before slipping out of my arms.
I catch her arm and pull her back over to me, my arms around her waist. "You, are a cruel woman." I tease. She just smiles.
"Hmm am I? I believe you kissed me first." she teases.

I smile. "And I'm about to do it again."
She laughs and loops her arms around my neck. "Are you going to ask me out or just kiss me?" she teases.
"I thought we were skipping that formality." I joke. "But would you want to go out with me?"
"Hmm I'd like that." she smiles at me. "But I think my brother is going to give me hell for it."
"Who's your brother?"
She grins. "Matthew Granger.
I blink. "Shit-"

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