-New Feelings-

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Mikusu's +View+

Being as disappointed as I was, I was afraid to show it... because I was too afraid to let Kiyoko know, I didn't want to make her mad or feel guilty!!! Then I would feel bad😞🙁 But past that point, I texted Kiyoko because I still wanted to make sure she was feeling ok👌 so I texted her, 

telling her to come my house. I send her my address again just to make sure, then I waited for her to respond back but she never did. 

It had been 5 hours and I'm still waiting for her to text back, I'm getting more anxious by the second. suddenly my eyes they start to close as I try to keep them open, I was tired, I could tell but still I fought with my own body just to stay awake. then I lost, I expected to but I didn't want to.

I woke up and still no responds I was starting another war with myself about calling the police and not calling the police.

Kiyoko's +View+

I had hung up, because I was afraid If I had said anymore, I would've made her call the police. Which I want but, at the same time...I didn't I had loved her my entire life and I didn't want to lose her. So I had lied about her calming down, 

I looked down at my phone to go to map and put in the direction for Mikusu's house and ran I did, I even lost my mom then I was covering my mouth to make sure she didn't hear me, Because I had an Instinct that she was still somewhere around. Then slowly I got my breath back, and quickly but quietly running to the destination, I had finally arrived there, I had been running for 8 hours but I took breaks of course but not a lot. 

I had gone to the front gate and rang the doorbell, and someone had opened the door.

It was a butler I'm pretty sure, They had asked "why are you here? and who are you?"                                     Me not knowing what to say, I just asked "my names is Kiyoko and does anyone named Mikusu live here?" and they had answered it with a "yes but who are you to her, and why would I believe you?" I just said "I'm a friend of hers, we met at school" 

"that so little information, why would I believe you???" they'd looked at me with little respect.

I then got kicked out and I just sat next to the fence and in the cold I surprisingly feel asleep

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I then got kicked out and I just sat next to the fence and in the cold I surprisingly feel asleep.

Mikusu's +View+

I had woke up and got ready for school, and walked out the door and waved goodbye at my fav butler, Diamond. But just at the last second he had spoke up and said "ahh, I forgot to mention something someone was here yesterday I think they might have said there name was Kiyoko and they were looking for you young master." 

As soon as I had heard that I suddenly asked "Where did they go???" he just answered with "outside on the gate right next to the door" as I ran outside I had found Kiyoko in a ball position leaning on the fence, and I went to hug her and I told her to wake up and that I was gonna bring her inside to get something to eat and clean up there. 

she had woken up and was getting up she was really pale and cold, and we were starting to walk inside the mansion until she passed out...

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