Occult Manual

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Here is an interesting ritual I learned from an old new age site that helped me focus on my homework, amongst other things:Sit with your legs folded and close your eyes. Hold out one hand open and the other in a fist. Imagine a flame or ring of fire in the open hand. Try to feel it's warmth and energy. Imagine the energy traveling through you. Imagine it going through your whole body and then eventually to your closed fist. Let energy accumulate in your fist. When you feel you have enough, throw it to the side and affirm what you to accomplish. Say it strongly and determinately. After completion you should feel a new focus and less apprehension about what you want to accomplish.


There are many ways to meditate! I recommend either sitting cross-legged or lying down. Close your eyes and start taking slow, deep breaths. While doing this, try saying affirmations to yourself like "I am relaxed and as light as cloud." You may want to try relaxing individual parts of your body by altering the affirmation using this formula: "My x is relaxed and as light as a cloud." Of course, replace "x" with the body part of your choosing. Do this until your whole body is relaxed.Another fun thing to try is doing this lying down when tired and staying very still. Focusing on affirmations can help you do this. With practice you can sometimes see visions and other things! They will often start out as formless blobs of color, then turn into  basic shapes and then increasingly detailed images. Sometimes you can even enter your own dream world!


A special form of meditation can make you feel as though you have changed your form, like as though you have become an animal. This can be a very empowering and fun experience. To do this, use the previous meditation to relax, then use a series of affirmations to describe your body changing. Say you have ears like your animal, maybe fangs like your animal, claws like your animal, fur like your animal, a tail like your animal and so on. Repeat as necessary and you should feel like a whole new you!


Tulpas are special spiritual companions that can exist in your mind. You can create them using several techniques.One technique is to imagine a ball of energy in front of you. Then imagine it taking the form you want your being to have. I recommend an animal of some kind. Then give it a name. You should feel it's presence, giving you peace or whatever feeling you want.An alternate method is name an object, usually one shaped like some living thing. When you are around that object, you should feel as though you are not alone.


People can make each other feel better through words and closeness. To do so, have you and your partner take turns placing hands on each other's heads or shoulders and say reassuring affirmations to each other like "You are at peace". Alternately, you can imagine energy being transferred from one body to another. Try to feel it running through all of you.When alone, you can imagine energy transferring from something like fire to your body and traveling through it.                                


Here is a unique meditation I got from a unique source —— a website about Jedi training!To do this meditation, relax yourself like in the previous meditation, perhaps by taking a few deep breaths.Then, think about something that angers you. Let the anger fill you for a while and then just stop. This can be very empowering and can actually help you calm down and let go of your anger.


Most people are aware that if you stare at image long enough, it will become temporarily imprinted in the eye and you will see a differently colored version of it when you look away, briefly.However, this can be a very effective tool to increase focus and visualization skills. One can do this by focusing on the afterimage as soon as one sees it. This can make it appear to be visible to oneself longer. Trying blinking or viewing it on a solid surface. A white surface is ideal in many cases.


Throughout history people have looked into reflective surfaces for inspiration and wisdom. One may view interesting things if they stare into them properly. This can be achieved by meditating beforehand to get relaxed and then staring intensely at your reflection. Between the eyes is a good place to focus. Doing this in a dimly-lit room can be helpful. Sometimes positioning the mirror, or other reflective surface like a pool of water, so that your reflection is not in it can produce interesting results.

9. (Extra Thoughts)

We are still unsure of how human consciousness works, so whatever makes something conscious could be recycled into another sentient being, making reincarnation possible, although most likely without the karmic elements or the ability to remember past lives.

We should all work together in peace.
There are still many mysteries to humans like the nature of consciousness and why and how the Universe formed. A lot of Quantum physics and relativity and other scientific concepts are very counterintuitive and new discoveries often discredit other assumptions so we should be open-minded about things. Although, we shouldn't automatically believe things either.
Use telescopes, periscopes and projections to create an easy, reliable telecommunication system in case of power out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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