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The blue water was pretty to Jungkook. He thought it was so calm and pretty, he thought that it would move with the wind and that the ducks and the fishes would like it so much because it was comforting. Jungkook flips a page of the book he has in his hand, looking down he looks at the red bird that's on the page. Looking back up he sees a similar bird that that be been looking at for a minute or two.

"I have been looking everywhere for you kookie. What are you doing?" A blonde-haired male ask sitting down on the bench next to Jungkook. The younger male turns his head looking at the male next to him.

"Looking at the water." His voice was deep, robotic like. The blonde male chuckles lowly before rubbing the back of Jungkook's blue shirt. The younger flinches a little not liking the contact that was on him, he was close, too close to Jungkook's liking.  The older notices this and apologizes before moving his hands from his back. He notices the page Jungkook one and looks back up seeing the bird.

"I'm guessing you found it?" He ask and jungkook nods not really wanting to talk to him. The water was really calming as he looks at it. His brown doe eyes flicker with interest, it was more of the color then anything. The oldest mumbles a 'shit' before standing up.

"Hey kook Jin hyung sent me to get you and I got distracted looking at the water with you it's time to go." Jungkook nods closing the book getting up from the bench. The male in front of him walks to the car with jungkook close behind. Getting in the car jungkook looks out the window looking up at the blue sky. It was a pretty day in Korea, the birds chirping, you had people riding bikes and kids playing at the park.

"Yoongi hyung? Have you ever noticed that we get new birds every year?" Jungkook ask still looking out the window as they driving. Yoongi looks in the view mirror at the youngest and he nods before putting his eyes back on the rode.

"Yeah I have..why do you ask?" He asks then he rolls his window down. Jungkook looks up and starts telling him why he thinks they are new birds, mostly rambling but Yoongi doesn't mind. Anyone would think that Jungkook was normal that he was a normal 20 year old male who was just extremely smart but that wasn't the case. Jungkook had Asperger syndrome, his older brother, Seokjin, been taking care of Jungkook for most of his life. They parents died when Jungkook was just 6 and seokjin who was 16 at the time. They had to move in with their uncle. The change for jungkook wasn't nice, mostly because jungkook didn't understand why his dad wasn't coming back. That his dad was gonna come and that they was gonna be a family again. Of course after some time the change he got use to but he still refuses to give up his dads ashes or mothers with that matter.

Seokjin is chopping vegetables when he hears the front door open. Setting down the knife he has in his hand he walks out the kitchen and smiles when he sees jungkook and Yoongi walk in.

"Well good afternoon, I'm almost done with lunch." Seokjin says and watches jungkook walk in this room shutting it softly.

"He was watching the birds again." Yoongi says when seokjin looks at him. Jin nods walking back in the the kitchen. Yoongi goes to the kitchen and opens the fridge grabbing a water. Opening it he takes a sip and looks at what Jin cooking.  

"I don't know if I wanna take him back..I just what if they do a bunch of test on him like last time?" Jin mumbles and puts the cut up vegetables in the pot.

"I don't think they'll do that again, he's what? 20? He has a choice on what he wanna do. Honestly I don't know why you making him go back to the hospital." Yoongi takes another sip of water before closing it. Jin sighs knowing the younger was right.

"I want him to read on emotions more Yoongi." He mumbles looking over at Yoongi, Yoongi nods understanding.

"So when's the appointment?"


"T-Tomorrow!" Yoongi askes and jin nods making Yoongi hit him in his chest.

"You gotta be kidding me." Yoongi sighs moving his hands out his hair looking at jin.

"He'll be alright I know he will no go and tell kook it's time for dinner."

I know you're hesitating
Because even if you tell the truth, it'll come back as scars
I won't say clichéd things like "have strength"
I'll just listen to you, listen

What did I tell you?
I told you you'd overcome
You didn't believe (really)
Will we be able to overcome?
This miracle, did we make it?
(No) I was always here
You came tome
I do believe your galaxy
I wanna hear your melody
The stars in your Milky Way
How will they appear in your sky?
At the end of my despair
I found you, don't forget
You're my last reason
Standing at the edge of a cliff

Days when you hate that you're you, days when you wanna disappear
Let's make a door in your heart
If you open that door and go inside, this place will be waiting for you
It's ok to believe, it'll comfort you, this Magic Shop

As you drink a cup of warm tea
As you look above to the Milky Way
You'll be alright, oh this is a Magic Shop

So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
Show you show you

Like a rose when blooming
Like a cherry blossom when scattering
Like a lily when withering
Like those beautiful moments
I always wanna be the best
So I was always impatient and anxious
Comparing myself became a daily thing
My greed that used to be a weapon became a prison and noose
But looking back, to be honest
I don't think I wanted to be the best
I wanted to be someone's comfort, I wanted to touch someone's heart
I want to take away your sadness, your pain

Days when you hate that you're you, days when you wanna disappear
Let's make a door in your heart
If you open that door and go inside, this place will be waiting for you
It's ok to believe, it'll comfort you, this Magic Shop

As you drink a cup of warm tea
As you look above to the Milky Way
You'll be alright, oh this is a Magic Shop

So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
Show you show you

If I told you I used to be scared of everything too, will you believe me?
All of the truth, all of the remaining time
All of your answers are in this place that you found
In your Milky Way, in your heart

You gave me the best of me
So you'll give you the best of you
You found me, you recognized me
You gave me the best of me
So you'll give you the best of you
So I'll find you, the galaxy that's inside of you

So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
Show you show you
~Magic shop BTS~

I love a boy with asperger syndrome {Jungkook} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now