Chapter 2 ~ So it begins

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"I thought it'd be fun to throw a murder mystery party," I wrote back.

"THAT'S AN AMAZING IDEA!!!" Chelsea replied.

"Of course she'd think so," I thought to myself as I chuckled slightly.

"I even have the perfect place for it! My family has an old mansion here in Scotland!" I wrote back.

"No way! Little Bobby is loaded?!" she replied.

"Lmao! Not me but my family is, it's winter so it won't be in use. It'll be the perfect place for it as long as we don't party too hard" I wrote back.

"I'm sure Noah and MC will keep us under control, I'm gonna get started on planning right now though!" she replied.

"I'll leave you to it! :) can't wait to see the outcome xx" I wrote back.

I walked over to the kitchen and put my dirty dishes in the sink.

"I should probably go check how Hannah is doing, she's been out there for a while" I thought to myself.

I put my gumboots on and walked out to the greenhouse hoping everything was okay.

There Hannah was, she was as beautiful as ever.

"Hey, Hannah!"

*cuts to MC*

Here I am on a Thursday sitting up on my window seat gazing out at the streets below me, Watching people as they continue on with their busy little lives while I sip my cup of tea.

"I hate this London weather, I miss the sun." I thought to myself.

I looked over at my phone.

"Maybe I could message Marisol, she's often up for a cup of coffee and she isn't working today so she should be free," I thought to myself while I brushed the rim of my mug with my thumb.

I finished my tea and continued to gaze out the window wondering what my next move for today should be. It was my day off so I had nothing to do except decide whether or not I should plan something with Marisol.

After a few minutes, I finally bit the bullet and walked over and got my phone.

I was however greeted with a message from Chelsea.

"Hey babes! Pack your bags we're in for a trip this weekend! I'll send you the location, everyone is coming so you better be there too. You've gotta be there by 5 pm tomorrow" she sent.

"Count me in!" I wrote back.

I went into my room with a pep in my step and flung the doors of my wardrobe open. I started throwing a few of my warm jackets, bottoms, skirts, shirts, lingerie because you truly never know and dresses on top of my bed.

"It'll only be for a few days but you can never be too careful, plus a few extra clothes won't hurt anyone," I thought to myself while I heaved my suitcase out of the wardrobe and threw it on top of my bed.





My phone suddenly entered a flurry of dings and pings, I walked over to my phone where I must have dropped it during my excitement.

*Villa groupies chat*

Hope: "So I'm guessing we all got the message from Chelsea?!"

Gary: "Yep!"

Lottie: "The tea leaves already told me but yes"

Rahim: "What message?"

Priya: "Oh my gosh, check your inbox Rahim. I got it though :)"

Rahim: "Oh saw it!"

MC: "I'm just packing now! I'm so excited!!!"

I started folding my clothes and after a few minutes, I finally got through the mountain of clothes I plan on taking. I walked into the bathroom and got together a few of my toiletries.


I once again walked over to check my phone hoping it wasn't another flurry.

Marisol: "Hey hun, would you like to drive to the party together tomorrow?"

"That's sweet of her to wonder," I thought to myself.

MC: "We can catch up at a cafe and leave for Scotland at 10 AM if you'd like?"

Marisol: "Sounds like a plan :) I'll pick you up at 8:30 AM and we'll look for a good cafe"

I packed away my toiletries and gathered up a few of the cords I needed and my laptop.

I walked back into the living room after packing everything I needed away with my phone in my hand.

I sat back down at my window seat where I gazed out my window thinking of the days ahead.

"It'll be nice to get everyone back together again as opposed to just a few of us at a time," I thought to myself while I watched the pigeons walk around on the power lines.

I wondered how much has changed since the last time we were all together, I've tried keeping in touch with everyone but we've just been so busy since the villa especially with all of the new offers that have been rolling in for everyone.

Since leaving the villa Marisol has been the only one I've caught up with the most, she got her degree and managed to land a job with a good law firm here in London she's close but she's still busy.

This trip will be a good way for us to reconnect again and hopefully, it'll finally be a drama-free gathering.

I just hope that..


"Oh that'll probably be Marisol again" I thought to myself.

"Hey MC! Can't wait to boop your nose again xo"

I looked down at my phone and smiled at Bobby's message, my cheeks being invaded by a slight fluster.

*cuts back to Bobby*

MC: "not if I boop you first ;) x"

I smiled at how innocent her message was.

After I finished texting MC I put my phone in my pocket and walked over to Hannah.

I gently ran my fingers through her soft red hair.

A soft groan left her lips.

"We get to see the others soon, I'm quite excited honestly" I said as I continued running my fingers through her hair daydreaming about all of us meeting again.

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