ships within the group.

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━━━jin + kaito

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━━━jin + kaito.
jin is also like the big brother that acts like he's your mother/father. kaito learned how to cook certain korean dishes from him and other korean history or things he needs to know. jin was also a major part of helping him learn the korean language. kaito likes to boosts jin's ego and self-esteem by telling him he has good looks, great at cooking, and is very talented.

(a/n: i'm not calling jin "a mom", i'm just explaining)

(a/n: i'm not calling jin "a mom", i'm just explaining)

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━━yoongi + kaito.
both get along well because they have similar personalities. sometimes they would team up to antagonize the other members. the only ones not afraid to wake each other up. kaito learned a lot from him in song writing so he's very thankful for that.


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━━hoseok + kaito.
hoseok helped kaito a lot in improving his dance skills and confidence. in giving him great advices, helping him solve a certain problem/concern, and just listening to him. hoseok is what he wants to be. he can smile in tough/hard times and cares for others even thought he's dealing with a lot too.

 he can smile in tough/hard times and cares for others even thought he's dealing with a lot too

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━━namjoon + kaito.
kaito is closest to namjoon cause he can speak to him in japanese comfortably. the leader acts like a big brother to him even though he's only older by 3 months. he knows the right words to say to him when he's down or upset. namjoon is the big brother he needed.

━━━jimin + kaito

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━━━jimin + kaito.
jimin likes to attach himself to kaito like a leech because he's very warm and comfortable. he likes to wrap hid arms around the foreigner's arm and just lean onto him. you can say they're the closest physically. jimin is also the first member kaito met, which was in a bathroom stall.

━━━taehyung + kaito

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━━━taehyung + kaito.
taehyung is like a puppy that wants to play and kaito is like the owner that acts like he doesn't but wants to but is too lazy. they also like to hang out just by literally laying on a bed or couch and just relax. fans noticed that both have similar features.

 fans noticed that both have similar features

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━━━jungkook + kaito.
jungkook is like the younger brother that tells him everything he needs to know. kaito was the last member to be added to the group and the younger boy just stuck to him like gum om your shoes. it's fun to see these two compete, the other is competitive and the other one isn't.

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