Chapter Eighteen | Thundersnail (Jerry's POV)

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Alternate Chapter Title(s)

Jerry Freakin' Dies


Half n' Half

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Jerry watches as the monster hangs an arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders, bringing them close to him. A reserved smile reaches their face and they stare at their lap, avoiding eye contact with him. He -- on the other hand -- grins, saying, "So my parents won't be home tonight, and my bro'll be sleepin' by then." He pulls them closer, making them sit on his lap. Heights changing, they now look down and hesitate when placing their hand on his chest, using it as a means to maintain their balance on him. "Whaddya say you come over tonight?"

A sour feeling develops itself in the pit of Jerry's stomach, causing him to complain with a huff.

"...What about that project you're working on?" they ask, frowning. "Isn't that more important?"

"Doesn't mean I have to neglect everythin' else around me." Sans leans forward, grin growing as he stays millimeters away from their face. "But enough about that, though. I wanna know your answer." He grabs the back of their neck and pulls them in for a quick kiss. "There's... somethin' else I've been meanin' to ask you, by the way."

They lift an eyebrow and move aside a bit, curiosity making their posture turn stiff. “What is it?”

He keeps them balanced through the use of magic while he looks to his side and searches through his backpack. From there, he takes out a small box -- about half the size of his palm -- and hands it over. His gaze appears tense while he waits, though it fades away when they open it, widen their eyes, and gasp. 

Jerry more than loses it when he sees what’s going on. The world around him starts to fade, and he can’t tell if it’s due to his growing anger, or if it’s all just one big nightmare his mind decided to conjure for him.

Sans was a science nerd, and (Y/N) was a literature nerd. Jerry was the football jock.

They were supposed to end up with him, and not another nerd!

“You… You want to marry me?” they say, words exclaimed. “Is- Isn’t it too soon?”

He hears Sans laugh; the plain and utter cheekiness of that sound makes him wish he could fight the nerd with his bare hands.

And he wasn’t even a real nerd to begin with!

He was laidback, dressed casually, and didn’t fret over grades like other nerds did. His only quality was that he was intelligent and that he had a strange interest in the concepts of space and time, both separately and as a joint.

“This’s for after we graduate high school,” he explains. “If it's possible, then I’d like to know your answer by your first year in college.”

Their frown returns. They set the ring aside to grab his shoulders once more, staring him down. “So you’re… You're not going? I thought you wanted to be a scientist.”

“I’d like to, but I can’t.”

There’s a long term of silence between them, one in which Jerry hopes is a sign they’ll break up.

“Why not?”

Having his grip on them again, Sans stops using magic and meets with their gaze, a steely look present in his. His smile’s barely there, and there’s a shade of grey under his sockets, exposing a lack of sleep. “I'm not wanted in this school anymore, and even less in college.” He looks away from their side, leading Jerry to hide from his line of sight. “And this timeline just doesn’t feel right. It’s great that you freed my kind, that we got to study in your schools for an entire year, and I’m happy to be with you, too… But it still feels different, as if somethin’s missing.”

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