Warm Touch

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Geonhak ran out from the practice right after he received a call from your manager. His coach voice echoed in the gymnasium when he saw Geonhak ran out. "Look at that jerk, is he going to skip practice again?", the coach sounds disappointed and helpless. One of Geonhak partner chuckles at the coach.

"Coach, I know no matter how much you cuss at him he is still your favourite. Am I right?", Seoho grinned at the coach who gave him a look before telling everyone to go back to practice.

As soon as Geonhak arrived at the hospital, he went to the emergency ward where the receptionist had told him earlier. He fasten his steps as he look around to find your bed in the emergency ward. There he saw you on the bed with a cast on your hand.

"Are you okay?", was the first thing he asks when he reached you. He looks panic and covered in sweats. You awkwardly smile at him before nodding.

That morning, you did tell him that you are not feeling well and he even told you to take a sick leave but you refuse. You work as an art director for a musical theatre and despite of having a lot of crew for the artistic department, being a little perfectionist you are- when it comes to scenography, sets and props, you could not help but to lend a hand.

You climb up the ladder to fix one of the props on the setting. It was quite hight but instead of calling another crew member, you climb the ladder on your own and when you try to climb down, you miss the step and fell on your arms. You could hear the crack on your arms when you fell and when you try to move, was painful. You cannot help but let out a painful scream.

"I told you to take a leave today. Just— why don't you listen to me?", Geonhak was upset but he did not raise his voice. Well, honestly he never raise his voice to you at all.

"It wasn't because of that. I just miss the step from the ladder.", you pouted. Before Geonhak could say anything, the production manager cut in.

"You should stay at home and have some rest. Let me and your other crews take care of the rest.", the manager said. You wanted to protest but was stopped by Geonhak.

"Oh Lord, for once can you listen to other people?", upon hearing that, you pouted again and nods in defeat.

It has been a few days and you thought having a cast on your arms would be cool but it is more than a nuisance. Most of your movements are limited. You cannot tie you hair, wash your hair and wearing your clothes.

"Geonhak, can you help me with my bra?", you shout from the room.

Geonhak on the other hand was cooking in the kitchen for breakfast heard you from the room. Thank goodness he was almost done with the dishes and lower the temperature of the stove before making his way to the room.

"What do you mean b— oh!", he stop talking and made his way towards you. Your bare back are expose but he was use to it and there is no need an explanation for that. Your chest was already covered with your available hand but you could not reach the back. He gently pulled the rim of the sport bra for you.

"There, all done.", he said. "Do you want me to tie your hair?", he asks and you excitedly nods your head. You swear he would be a good father to his daughter one day. Geonhak tying up your hair is relaxing because his touch is actually warm and delicate.

"Actually, can you tie my hair every day even if I got my cast off?", you asked playfully and he chuckles. His warm touch was like an addiction for you at the moment.

"Sure baby, why not?", As soon as he tied your hair up, he walk out and went to the kitchen and serve the breakfast on the table. Before you walked out, you manage to check out yourself in the mirror. The ponytail he made was nice and it is very comfortable. Not too tight and not too loose.

Then you heard he called for you for breakfast and you slowly ran to the dining table while making sure that Geonhak did not catch you running or he would nags at you again."Thank you for the meal.", you said before digging in.

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