Chapter 23 - A Solution

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"Naegi, could I have a word with you?", Mrs. Yukizome asked. Makoto nodded, as he swung his backpack over his shoulder. They waited for the class to run empty.

"Am I in trouble?", he asked.

"Did you do something to get you in trouble?" He shook his head. "There's your answer, then. No, it's about your exam. I believe the council has come to a conclusion on what to do."

"Really?! That's amazing!" She nodded, and motioned Makoto to have a seat.

"Don't get too excited just yet, mister. It won't be easy."

"That's okay!", he said as he scratched the back of his head. "I don't expect it to be. So what's the plan?"

"With your consent, the higher ups agreed to allow you to take a written exam. It's going to get difficult, though. There will be a lot of trivia, especially surrounding the Ultimate Talents of your schoolmates. You'll also need to do some actual studying on what we've seen in class. Do you think you can manage, Naegi?" He nodded.

"Yes, that sounds great! Thank you for the opportunity, Mrs Yukizome!"

"No need to thank me, thank your classmates."

"My classmates?"

"It was Fujisaki that came up with the idea, and Togami's doing to convince the higher ups." Makoto blinked.

"W-Whoa! I'll be sure to thank them, in that case!"

"You should." Miss Yukizome smiled. "Also." She grabbed a piece of paper, and rolled it up into a tube. She gently smacked Makoto on his head. "You were staring at Kirigiri the whole day. Pay more attention!"

"A-Ah! I'm sorry, Miss Yukizome.." The brunette blushed, scratching the back of his head.

"Well, you're dismissed. Start studying on time, Naegi."

"I will. Thank you."

Makoto swung his bag over his shoulder, and started making his way over to the lockers. As he dug out his shoes, he felt a gentle poke in his side. He yelped, turning around to meet the familiar face.

"Nagito! You scared me!" The white haired boy let out an awkward chuckle.

"Ah, I'm so sorry, Makoto. That was definitely not my intention. I've just been meaning to talk to you."

"What's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing, no need to worry about little old me! Enoshima mentioned to Sonia you got a new girlfriend, and I was just curious, that's all."

"Oh! Yeah, I did." Makoto smiled as he shut his locker. "Kyoko and I finally got together this morning."

"Whoa, took you long enough."

"Heh? Took me long enough?"

"You've been head over heels for her as long as I can remember, even when you were still with Maizono. I'm happy for you."

"Thank you, Nagito. I'm honestly a little nervous to tell my parents."

"They like her, don't they?"

"They do, they really do. But I feel like they're a little, uhm... Overprotective, ever since the accident and the breakup with Sayaka. So I'm not sure how they'll react."

"I'm sure it will be fine, Naegi.", Chiaki's voice participated in the conversation. She didn't look up from her game, bumping into Nagito in the process. "Come on, Nagito. Hajime's waiting."

They exchanged their goodbyes, as Makoto made his way over to his car. It was then he noticed a small paper at his windshield. Really? A ticket?

As he moved closer and inspected the piece of paper, he found that it was anything but a ticket. It was a note, directed at him.

Hope you're not in trouble. Have a safe drive.
- Kyoko

Makoto smiled like an idiot. Something so small, so dumb could make the biggest grin appear on his face. He folded the paper, placing it in the chestpocket of his uniform jacket. He hopped in his car.


The brunette took a deep breath as he stood parked near his front door. It would be fine. His parents wouldn't make a big deal out of him dating Kyoko, right? They loved her, and she made him happy. That's all that mattered, right? That he and Kyoko were happy?

Eventually, Makoto mustered up the courage to get out of his car and walk up to the front door. He dug his keys out of his backpack, and entered his home. He was greeted by his parents with Komaru at the dinner table, inspecting the girl's report card.

"Oh, got your grades today?", Makoto asked as he dropped his backpack to the floor.

"Yup! A great score, if I do say so myself!", his little sister cheered.

"You still failed geography, dear. Work on that.", their father spoke as he ruffled Komaru's hair.

"Yeah, yeah. It's only a score from one test."

"Uhm, before I forget...", Makoto started. Everyone's eyes turned to him. He felt their worry pierce his soul, as he stood shaking in his figurative boots. "I... have an announcement. Two, actually."

"Two? Honey, what's the matter?", his mother asked.

"Well, first of all, Hope's Peak has decided to let me run a written exam! So we don't have to worry about that anymore!"

"That's great to hear, bud!", his father spoke. "What else did you have on your mind?"

"I..." Makoto took a deep breath. "I got a girlfriend." He was met with three sets of eyes, each filled with shock.

"... Kirigiri?", his mother dared to break the silence looming over them. He simply nodded. "Yes!", she exclaimed in ecstasy. "Oh honey, I'm so happy for you!"

Makoto jumped as he suddenly felt his mother's arms around him. He glanced at his father, who just simply gave him a contended nod. Once his eyes met with Komaru's, though... He was met with worry.


"Are you sure...? Is this... a good idea?", she asked.

"A good idea? What do you mean?" He felt himself start to grow a little annoyed.

"You only just broke up with Maizono... What if... What if you get hurt again?"

"Awh, Komaru. You worried about me?"

"Yes. Yes I am!"

"No need." Makoto smiled as he walked over to his sister, giving her a little nudge. "You've met Kyoko. You know how she is. She's nothing like Sayaka."

"But what if you do end up getting hurt...?"

"That will be a problem for future Makoto." Eventually, Komaru shot him a smile. It would be okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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