Chapter 1

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Sitting in the car on the way home from work you dreaded walking through the front door because it meant you would have to see Brett and actually talk to him, so far you've managed to avoid all communication from him which resulted in 10 missed calls but at least you didn't have to talk to him. 

Brett's been your husband for almost 13 years, and you hated him. It's not a strong hate, you still love him and all but the more time you spend with him the more you became aware of how stupid it was marrying so young. On top of that you were realising how little Brett really knows about you, your own boss knows more about you and you've known him for around 15 years, you'd think your own husband would know more about you but he doesn't and that was something you had to live with and it was also the something that kept you at work so late at night. 

You indicated to turn the corner and arrived in your driveway, you got your bags and locked the car heading in doors taking a deep breath before you entered. You tried to be as quiet as possible walking in so Brett didn't hear you, but it was no use. He heard. 

"Honey? Is that you?" His voice shouted down from your bedroom. 

'No it's a burglar, who else is it going to be?' You thought to yourself, rolling your eyes, Brett was stupid sometimes you and he were the only ones with key's so you highly doubt anyone else would be walking in to the house. 

"Yes I'm home, sorry I'm late" You tried your best to sound like you wanted to talk to him. 

He didn't respond meaning you were in the clear to do all the cleaning and then head upstairs to bed, you didn't have much to do but you tried to drag it out, so you didn't have to talk to Brett about your day. 

"Come on Y/N, I haven't spoken to you all day leave everything downstairs and come see me" Brett called out to you again. 

You groaned, you really didn't want to talk to him about your day, you would rather talk to someone else, but nevertheless you put on your fake smile and made your way upstairs. 

"How was your day?" He asked as soon as you walked in. 

You walked over to him and gave him a peck on the lips before answering. "Yeah it was good, nothing interesting today just loads of meeting's you know what Tom is like" 

Sadly, he does know what Tom is like, Brett was always jealous of your relationship with Tom, but you never cared, you love being Tom Hiddleston's personal assistant. Why would you change your job for the sake of one man? 

"Yes I do." That sounded more like a dig at Tom instead of a jokey answer. 

Tom knew all about your marriage and how you hated it and how Brett was none the wiser of your feelings, he was almost like your therapist. In the 15 years you worked for Tom you grew closer and closer and if it wasn't for your brother setting you up with one of his mates you might have not called it off with Tom and be happily married to him instead of Brett. 

"Aren't you going to ask about my day?" Brett joked. 

You huffed in response as you began to get undressed in the bathroom. "Brett I'm tired, Tom had me running around all day can I just go to bed please." You snapped at him. 

"You just said you had meetings, meetings normally mean sitting around and-" 

"Brett!" You raised your voice. 

"Alright sorry I asked" He sounded defenceless 

You felt kind of bad for losing your temper, but you couldn't deal with talking about work as you knew you would never stop, you always lit up when you talked about work that's one of the many things everyone notices about you, you're happier talking about Tom and working for him than your own marriage. 

"Sorry." You apologised and rolled into bed. 

Brett lifted the covers and invited you for a cuddle and you couldn't deny him as he did give amazing hugs, it was only the little things you loved about Brett like how he cuddles you when you're stressed out or tired or how when it's your birthday he buys cupcakes instead of cake as he knows that you're not a fan of big cakes and the fact he buys you flowers every weekend. As much as you complained about him and how much you hated being at home you knew deep down you still loved him and that you would be somewhat lost without him. 

You obviously accepted the hug and instantly went to sleep. "I love you", he kissed your forehead before closing his book for the night. 

"You too." You replied as you shuffled yourself into a comfier position to sleep in for the night.

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