Night Ridin'

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The neon lights beam brightly on the streets of neo-Tokyo. The air felt nice and cold on your face as your hair whipped in all different directions caused by the fast acceleration of your bright f/c bike. Your f/c googles protecting your eyes from any possible small parts of flying debris. You zoomed the streets on your way to your gangs favorite hangout spot. A small downstairs bar by the name of Harukiya.

Upon arrival you parked your bike in a nearby alleyway near a shiny red bike with stickers plastered on the front. You got off the bike and adjusted your hair before walking towards the front and heading down the stairs. The first thing you see is the bartender move his hands quickly and his customer spit his drink out. You chuckled a bit knowing what was going on and turned to take a look around. You spot a certain someone leaned over a jukebox with bright neon lights and walk over to him getting stares from the men around you. Of course who wouldn't look? You were donning a f/c motorcycle body suit with f/c combat boots. The suit made all the curves on your body show and you were proud as hell. Your go to attire when you'd hang out with the gang at night, also inspired by the leader himself.

Leaning against the jukebox you catch the young mans eyes as he glances at you with a smirk. "Guess I got here first than Yamagata huh kaneda? Slow ass. What? did they take his bike? " kaneda chuckled and returned to looking at the jukebox searching for a song. Not long after you hear the door open and slam shut as Yamagata looked around. His eyes wander over to you and you wave towards him with a smirk as he walks over high fiving you. "damn got here first than me (y/n)" you smirked "heck yeah your just slow as fuck haha" he smirked back and leans on the other side of the jukebox. "Those clown bastards are hanging out on route number five" Yamagata informs you both as you move away from the jukebox and follow him. "Don't go scaring me like that! You could at least open the door slowly!!" The bartender yells as he cleans the mess. You laugh seeing the two bicker and follow kaneda up the stairs and into the cold street.

You and kaneda enter the alleyway you left your bikes at to find tetsuo siting on Kaneda's bike. "You wanna ride it tetsuo?" He smirks as you wave towards tetsuo. Yamagata appears from behind you two feeling pumped up and ready to go "alright! let's hit it!" You smile feeling ready for some action. "Alrighty boys! let's get this show on the road!" You pump a fist in the air and pull on your googles. "I customized that bike for myself. It's too wild you couldn't handle it" starting your bike you rev it up and adjust some things. Tetsuo makes his way over to his bike which was parked next to yours. "I don't see how you can ride something crazy like that man" Yamagata shakes his head as tetsuo gets on his bike and starts it up. "I can't even see myself riding it either. Too complicated and besides that's why I have this baby right here" you say smiling and reverse your bike to head out. Tetsuo frowns following you. "Well...I could" you and Yamagata glance at each other and laugh as tetsuo slaps your shoulder playfully a bit of red creeping onto his face "Ha! If you want it so bad then go steal one yourself!" Kaneda reverses his bike and revs it up before blasting into the streets with you three in tow. The lights of the highways illuminatating the road ahead always amazed you by how wonderful and amazing it looked. "Wow now this is living" you smile happily.

Nearing an exit you and yamagata separated from tetsuo and kaneda taking the exit and maneuvering around the city streets to find a group of clown bikers causing chaos and blowing up a car. You and Yamagata chased them down. Yamagata took out his blue broken water pipe and managed to strike one of the bikers off his bike. "Score!" You yell out taking your own pipe out and gassing it to strike another member. "Whoo hoo!" You yell feeling alive "right on (y/n)! Let's go strike some more of these clown bastards!" Yamagata yells and you nod as you both speed off to catch up to the rest of the clown bikers. "Let's see who can strike more of them!" You yell out to Yamagata as you took a sharp turn around a corner. "You already know I'm getting the highest strike count y/n!" He yelled back as he gassed it to strike yet another biker off his bike. "Like hell I'd let you!" You speed of and took down two bikers. "That makes it three out of two with me in the lead! Hell yeah i told you sooo~" You sang and fist pumped the air laughing as Yamagata rolled his eyes playfully. "Ok whatever! let's meet up with kaneda and the rest! Im sure kaisuke's on his way there too with everyone else!" You nodded and the both of you made a turn to enter the highway on route to highway five to meet up with kaneda, tetsuo,kaisuke and the rest of the gang.

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