Chapter Two

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I went over to my boyfriends, Gamzee, house to hangout again and catch up on some anime we've been watching. My friends still haven't responded, there must be something important going on in their lives so I won't bother messaging them.

I knock on Gamzee's door and walk inside.

I knock on Gamzee's door and walk inside

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"Oh hey Emma. Give me a second."

He rushes into another room and comes back with his regular outfit.

I noticed a little speck of blood on his mouth and the side of his cheek

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I noticed a little speck of blood on his mouth and the side of his cheek. Im going to assume he just had a nose bleed from doing whatever this is.

 Im going to assume he just had a nose bleed from doing whatever this is

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"So hey Emma, do you like ... Wanna go to a remote forest to sacrifice other peoples bodies to the one and only true God so I can reunite with my father again?"


He clears his throat, "I mean, wanna go to the forest and play hopscotch?"

"Oh uh, sure. Let me grab some Faygo before we go though."

We both head out the door and start walking to the forest

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We both head out the door and start walking to the forest.

I think to myself for a minute while we walk,

"He's always been a little odd. I don't want to judge but I think it's probably some suppressed trauma from his father leaving his life so early and basically having to grow up on his own without having anyone to guide him."

But I don't wanna judge.

We finally make it to the middle of the forest where we usually hang out. We have a table (Which is just a big boulder) and two chairs (which is just two tall rocks)., And a hopscotch.

I start playing hopscotch while Gamzee gets something behind a rock.

He has red chalk and is drawing something on the ground. He's an artistic one so I ignore it and assume he's making a masterpiece.

A couple of minutes go by and it looks like he's done with his chalk drawing so you walk over to check it out and...

A couple of minutes go by and it looks like he's done with his chalk drawing so you walk over to check it out and

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"G-Gamzee what are those red splotches?.."

He drags something from behind a rock and it's....



"What's wrong? :o( I'm doing all of this so I can see my dad again Emma... You want me to be happy don't you? :o) "



He dragged the bodies into the circle and started chanting....

A huge light flooded out of the circle and it was... His dad! I couldn't believe it.

I almost passed out but forced myself to stay awake to defend myself.

I knew what I had to do.

I had grabbed one of the frozen Faygo bottles that I had brought earlier and hit Gamzee and his dad in their heads. I knew that this wouldn't finish the job so I got a rock and threw it at their heads.

That should be enough.

My Psychopath Boyfriend (Emma x Gamzee)Where stories live. Discover now