A Date?

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Vera sat on the couch as she watched Tony speak to Bruce, his very animated presence made her smile to herself and suddenly a twinge in her chest was obvious

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Vera sat on the couch as she watched Tony speak to Bruce, his very animated presence made her smile to herself and suddenly a twinge in her chest was obvious. For a moment, Vera didn't know what to make of the feeling and then swallowed it down harshly. Suddenly someone cleared there throat and Vera snapped her head up to look at Steve who stared at her as if he could see her inner workings. "Deep in thought, Vera?" He asked as he sat down next to her.

Vera pointedly turned her eyes away from Tony, looking at the TV that was playing the news. "I don't know what you mean, Steve." She told him casually as she tried to retain whatever the news was saying.

"So you're really interested in the stock market on best buy?" He asked her jokingly as she cracked a smidge of a smile.

"I'm very passionate about all sorts of things."

"You know he's looking at you right now. What's the harm in trying?"

"I will not let myself feel things I know that he doesn't, Steve." Vera said solomnly as she looked to him. His eyebrows were furrowed.

"He's falling for you. You can't see that? I've never seen Tony like this with anyone."

"He's still in love with Pepper and I understand why. She is the picture of perfection, she's so put together. Why would he want this mess? Some things just don't make sense, Steve." With a sigh she slowly looked at Tony again and this time, her eyes met his. For a moment Vera held her breath. He smiled at Vera then and she smiled slowly back, her chest feeling warm.

"I'm a living super soldier, Bruce turns into a green giant, Wanda can move things with her mind, you can set yourself on fire, the kid can run a mile a minute, and Tony flies around in a metal suit. Nothing really makes that much sense sometimes V." Steve got up and Tony got up too, walking over and trading spots with Steve.

"Thanks for the spot, Cap." Tony told him as Steve nodded.

"I like watching tv on this couch anyways." He then started talking to Bruce and Tony leaned back and got comfortable on the couch, his arm draped over the couch behind her shoulders.

"Vera." He spoke.

"Hm?" Vera hummed questioningly, glancing to where Steve sat smirking on the couch.

"You look very pretty today." Vera whipped her head around to look at Tony with her mouth open while Tony just grinned back at her, his dark brown eyes taking her in.

"Are you just saying that to watch me get flustered?" She asked him with her eyebrows raised.

"Not only that. I actually meant it too."

"You're ridiculous, Stark." Vera blew her hair out of her face after saying it, sticking her tongue out at him playfully.

"You don't believe me." Tony pointed out, his eyes flickering around her face as he watched her. Vera shrugged then awkwardly got up.

To Heal A Heart (TonyxOCxLoki Love Triangle)Where stories live. Discover now