The Perfect Heist

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Lloyd sat in a club at the Ninjago Gates Hotel, dressed in a suit and green tie as he tapped his fingers on the table he sat at. Looking around nervously he kept his eyes peeled for any suspicious activity.

"You look too uptight..." Kai's voice came over his com link. "Relax a little bit..."

Lloyd slouched slightly in his seat, about a week ago, they team got a suspicious letter in the mail, asking to meet with the Green Ninja here... Alone... Obviously a trap, but Lloyd was determined to help if it really was someone in need. So the team had taken every precaution.

A couple of tables away was Kai, posing as a regular customer. While in reality he was keeping an eye on the Green Ninja, ready to act if something bad happened. Jay was located in the Hotel Lobby, undercover as a bellhop. If they were able to get past Kai, Jay was there to block off the escape route.

Meanwhile, outside of the hotel, Cole and Nya where on their bikes, patrolling the perimeter in case they needed to chase down anyone. Zane was back at the Bounty... Watching the Hotel's security cameras, and keeping an eye on a tracker planted on Lloyd.

This was a fool proof operation... But even still... Lloyd was nervous.

"Now you looked too relaxed..." Kai spoke into the com link, trying to look inconspicuous.

"Well what do you expect me to do?" Lloyd turned to glare at the fire ninja.

"Look like you're enjoying yourself... Order a drink or something..." Kai instructed, sipping on his own drink.

"Don't drink too much you two..." Cole came over the com link. "We don't need either of you two buzzed for this..."

Lloyd sighed, and calmly signaled for a waiter. Asking for a water and continuing to look around the club, until he focused on a man staring straight at him.

"Table 3, Zane..." Lloyd adjusted his tie. "I think that's our guy..."

"I see him..." Zane switched the view of the security cameras. "Remember... Don't take anything he gives you..."

"Got it..." Lloyd nodded as a waiter came back with his water, the man staring at him now approaching...

"Hi..." The man greeted Lloyd with a handshake as he sat down at the table. "My name's Ron.."

"Nice to meet you Ron..." Lloyd shook his hand. "I'm Lloyd..."

Kai watched as Ron and Lloyd chatted, taking note of Ron's features and nice suit... Definitely not the kind of guy you'd think would need help... But everything was running quite smoothly, and Kai was just feeling so tired all of a sudden... It wouldn't hurt to just close his eyes for just a second.

"I'm guessing you didn't send that letter just to chat..." Lloyd took a sip of his water. "Why exactly have you asked me here...?"

"I wanted to give you some information..." Ron lowered his voice. "Information of a rising evil..."

"A rising evil..." Lloyd took another sip... Strange... He didn't remember water tasting this funny...

" This group of scientists... located in the Ninjago sewers..." Ron continued. "They say their only goal is to better all of Ninjago."

"Doesn't sound like anything evil..." Lloyd sat down his water, lowering his voice Like Ron.

"Well what's evil... Is that they're willing to go to the extreme to get the supplies they need..." Ron glanced around. "Plus... Rumor has it they have this big project they're working on... A project said to 'Change all of Ninjago'"

"That does sound suspicious..." Lloyd yawned quietly. "But where exactly did you get this information...?"

"They personally asked me to join their cause..." Ron admitted. "I only agreed to save my hide... That's why I had to put up so much secrecy."

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