Maddie is the solution raven p.o.v

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Maddie p.o.v. can you believe that kitty came to raven omg. I am so happy right now raven is back in school. Well let me find her and talk to her. There she is, raven come here. "Yes"? Well raven I just came to say Hi. "Ok,Maddie before you leave I want to talk to you about my mom at my house,can you please come?" Umm sure thing Raven I will come after school ok,bye.
Raven p.o.v
Ok it is 6:00pm where is Maddie? I heard a knock on the door I think it is Maddie. Hello maddie. "Hi." So maddie come in would you like some tea? " sure why not." Ok here you go now let's talk. I need help with my mom she told me that she don't care about me and does not love me because I am not bad. "Well I think she is lying because if she did not like you and wanted you dead you will be dead right now or before you were born so I think she Miss's you a lot but she does not know how to show it." Maddie omg thank you so much that is so true omg just just thank you so much ." no problem.

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