Chapter 4

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"Hot- i mean todoroki-kun" you say as his eyes trailed to bakugou beside you.

"Bakugou you can go home, I'll take
Y/n Since my house is just near her penthouse"

"Who do you think you are ordering me around?!? I am not gonna listen to you, icy hot"

You looked at them as they are continuing to bicker each other of who will gonna walk you home. 

You yawned and grab another snack you bought awhile ago. You munch them as you continue to watch them.

"HUH?!? c'mon lil sissy i need to walk you home"

You ignored as you hear the nickname again, you guess that he won't get rid the nickname to you.

"Why the hell are you eating?! We just ate awhile ago! Never mind that, c'mon let's go" Bakugou says as you are still munching.

"Let me finish what I'm eating first" You replied which an irk appeared his forehead.

"Sigh- let's just walk Y/n home. Since it's getting late now" todoroki suggested, looking at his watch.

You three walked in awkward silence to your penthouse later on you three arrived by the door.

You hear a wings flapped in the inside, guessing that hawks just arrived.

"Thanks for walking me home" you bowed to them as they are just still standing in-front of you. "You can go now"

"I will wait for you to go in... just incase" todoroki says as bakugou is still looking irritated by his presence.

"Don't worry about me, you guys should go now" you say, as you knew that once your brother know they're both here. He will gladly let them come in and ask questions about you.

"Okay, goodbye Y/n" todoroki smiled at you then walked away.

"Tsk, see ya" bakugou followed.

You sighed in relief and got inside, only to smell the reek of alcohol. "Literally stop drinking" you stated as he is on the couch a bit drunk "you've been drinking since i came here" you complained as he just ignored you.

"What a pain in the ass" you cursed and walked to your room.


You woke up early and got to the living room, seeing your brother knocked out on the couch.

You clean his mess and throw a blanket on him. You didn't bother to properly put a blanket on him though.

You change into an casual outfit for you to go out in 6:00 in the morning.

You left a note on the counter and got out. You walked by to an agency as you saw a lady who looked very serious that she is walking with a black hoodie guy, That you oddly noticed he looked familiar.

You shrugged it off and continue your walk to the hero public safety commission.

As you arrived you saw some men and women who are wearing the same suit.

"Yosh" you waved at them in greeting.

"Ms. Y/n, you have finally arrived" they say in monotone. "You can change inside" they gesture you to the changing room.

"You guys are literally boring, how can you manage this job?" You asked as they just ignore you. "Silent can't bring you anywhere you know?"


You walked out in a kind of suit to train your quirk, you got to a room were you can do your quirk.

"Ms. Y/n, you can start now" a speaker in the room sounded.

You used your quirk teleporting in the room. Your teleportation can only work when you see the place you want to go, That is only what you see in-front of you.

They believed that your quirk can also teleport from far what you see, that's why they always train you or test you.

Hours later you tiredly lay on the ground, panting. "Can i go home now?"

"You can"


Your Pov.

I walked out the building at it is now 1:00 in the afternoon.

That morons just skip my lunch time.

i passed by at an agency again and looked at an alleyway besides it. My eyes widen in shock as i looked at the lady from earlier is laying on the ground.

I walked to her and shake her up a bit, to know if she's gonna wake up. I checked her pulse and breathing which luckily she is alive.

She just fainted, "I'm gonna call the ambulance" i mumbled and was about to call.

i noticed that her arm is a bit bleeding like it is stab by a needle-

"it's been awhile, huh? Y/n-chan" my eyes widen as i heard the familiar voice behind me, i looked back to see toga...

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