ice cream?-todoroki shoto

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Au-colour soulmate
You will only see black/white/gray before see your soulmate

You are the son of slendermen


M/n pov

I arrive in musatufu a week ago,papa and the others are staying at america. I still cant see colour cause i didnt find my soulmate yet,my bestfriend mafuyu(me) already find his soulmate which i learn his name is sanemi shinazugawa and i wasnt suprise he was with male soulmate cause i now this stupid since born,he's gay so i wasnt suprise while im here being bi

Mafuyu:oi wanna go shopping?

Me:hm? Sure then

I kinda wonder why does soulmate even create(?) But ill just shrug it off,i still cant see colour and sometimes mafuyu will help me pick a clothes colour for me

Me:hey lets eat first im hungry

Just right on time my stomach grumble i blush embarassment while mafuyu look at me snickering

Mafuyu:fine fine lets get takoyaki

Yes mafuyu is japanesse

Time skip

After ate we get some clothes for me and im staying at mafuyu house cause...why not?

Mafuyu:hey m/n take a look at this sweater

I ran at mafuyu and see he was holding a...white and grey sweater and it was write ice-hot

Mafuyu:i think this is fit for you

Me:are you sure?

He humed

Me:Oh well of course then

After us both shopping we went home i soon flop on the fluffy couch

Me:i wish to meet my soulmate

Mafuyu look at me with a pity eyes

Mafuyu:oh hush now darling(i love said that)
I promise you will find your soulmate

Me:but what if my soulmate died!?

Mafuyu then run toward me cupping my both cheeks

Mafuyu:oi if your soulmate died you already can see colour now shut up and dont give up on finding your soulmate

I nod furiously knowing mafuyu is a scolding mom even can make the no.1 hero sweat shirtless

Mafuyu:ah! I forgot to buy ice cream

Me:ill buy it tomorrow if you want

I reply then helping him with the dinner were eating later

Mafuyu:thank you m/n i had to go to the flower shop tomorrow early in the morning


Mafuyu:dont forget your going to the UA on wednesday

Yeah i know remember,i came here cause ill be applying UA and i was recomended there by kamui wonder how? I once saw kamui at the america serounded by wild dogs i mean...he is a wood sooo,and why he recomended me? He see me saving people with my tentacles so many time and when he ask me where did i school i only reply "no i dont school" and here i am will be one of the student in UA

Time skip after dinner

Mafuyu:chop chop time to sleep now darling

Me:i know you protective but i have a father

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