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Waiting in the hallways until the bell rung, your classmates, including yourself, rushed inside and to their assigned seats. Today was the day of Show-and-Tell and everyone had a choice if they want to participate or not. You were one of the people who decided not to so the least those people can do is sit and pay attention to the ones who do want to present. Turning your head to the empty seat belonging to Katie Mitchell, you were disappointed, hoping she was just late and fortunately to your relief, she showed up to class.

See, you've always been inspired by Katie's cheerfulness and optimism, making her stand out from the rest of your classmates. It was a shame that you didn't have the courage to make the first move to becoming friends as much as you wanted to. You silently sighed in relief when you were certain she didn't catch you starting once she plopped down on her seat before facing forward as most of your classmates watched the teacher stand up from her desk and walk to the front of the room.

"Alright, class!" The teacher clasp her hands together. "Today's the day you've all been waiting for. Show-and-Tell," she announced with an attempt to hype up the whole entire class. The teacher looked around until her gaze landed on Katie. Her face lit up.

"Katie! You seem eager. Why not come up and show what you got for us?"

Clearly excited, she got up from her seat and speed-walked to the small T.V on the cart before pushing it to the front of the class. After adjusting it, she tip-toed to flick the screen on to a blue screen and stood upright next to it with a smile.

"Behold! Cinema," Katie introduced with her arms outstretched presenting the screen. The blue screen then cut to the title screen in front of a yellow background. It read, "Dial "B" for "Burger" and underneath it held smaller words that read, "Directed By Katie Mitchell"
Then the screen cut to Katie seeming to be sitting at the dining table holding a burger. When the camera angles above it showing Katie taking off the wrapper, a pair of eyes were revealed underneath. The least you'd expect was it started talking, making you giggle.

"Hello, Katie!"

This made Katie throw it to the other side of the table startled, leaving the burger upside before saying, "I'm alive now," and stand upright with appeared limbs and a top black hat. The burger's arms were being flailed around by visible strings as he continues talking, "Even though I'm a hamburger, I wanna go to the big city and be a Broadway star! Razzle dazzle I'm a talking-"

Just then, Katie's dog appeared behind the table and began chewing the burger as it screamed in agony about its' innards. And like that, the short film had ended, leaving the whole class in silence. You were about to clap but looking around, everyone's faces read confusion and clearly weirded out by what they had just witnessed so you slowly put your hands back on your desk disappointed.
Meanwhile with Katie, she had hoped everyone would like her creation, but a boy sitting next to you blew raspberries onto his hand, creating a farting sound which made the entire class start laughing. You turned to the oblivious boy not aware that you were glaring at him. Upon turning your head back to where you thought Katie would still be at, you've noticed she disappeared until you sighed with relief seeing her only walking to the door.

The bell rung for dismissal at the right time and immediately, everyone began rushing out to be first out while you waited until everyone had left. After everyone did, you walked out to the hallways echoing with your classmates' laughter and noises until silence remained. Because of the silence, you noticed some faint sounds of crying. You turned your head to the opposite way and noticed Katie was just outside the door huddled up hiding her face in her arms that rested on her knees.
Your heart broke at the sight.

Katie's sobs let your footsteps not be heard as you walked towards her before picking up her glasses that were sitting next to her. You then stood there looming over Katie while thinking about what you should say but your thoughts were cut short to Katie lifting up her head. She was surprised to see a pair of (Your Favorite Color[s]) shoes and looked up at your face where you introduced your presence.

"Hello, Katie."

Avoiding your gaze after, she wiped away a tear and softly said, "Hey. ."

You weren't able to think on what to say next to make this situation less awkward due to how nervous you were feeling. But you knew now's not the time to be selfish because Katie needed the comfort more than you do. So taking in as much courage as you could, you went down on your knees and began, "Y'know. . I think you need these to keep doing what you love. I think your film was good. It shows you put effort."
Despite Katie's attention seemingly not on you, your words made her look at you again with hope.

She asked, "You do?" As her eyes looked down, she could tell it was her glasses you were holding out for her so she took it and put them back on again, revealing the full and clear appearance of you.

You frantically nodded your head with a grin. "I do! That burger man was cool. Too bad he was eaten up by your dog before becoming a Breadway star!" Katie laughed upon the error you made, causing you confusion at what she was laughing about.

"It isn't 'breadway,'" She laughed, "It's Broadway!"

When you've realized you messed up, you felt a flush of embarrassment. "O-Oh! Broadway!" Eventually you laughed at yourself too, leaving the hallways to echo with laughter yourselves until the both of you cooled down. It was as if you were comfortable with her already, making you confidently reach your hand out for her to shake.

"I know you're Katie, but you probably don't know me. I'm-" "I know your name. You're (Y/N). It's nice to meet you!" When hearing her cut you off, you were surprised she knew you all this time. It was what made you all nervous again right after you had just gain all that confidence. Looking down, you can see she was holding out a hand for you to shake. You blinked in surprise but chuckled, "O-Oh, nice!" and shook her hand.

Both of you smiled at each other, glad to have made a friend. And little did you two know, that friendship was something worth special.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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