chapter eight

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Louis stared at Harry, stared at the small smirk on his exquisitely beautiful face, at the way his lips turned up ever so slightly to reveal his dimple. He could feel his hands shaking, and he put them behind his back. 

"W-Why should I do that?" He asked, his voice gruff and low, because he wasn't sure if he could speak any louder. Harry held his gaze, his dark eyebrows furrowed and his green eyes flashing with an unknown emotion. He was breathtaking, a dark kind of mystery that Louis couldn't get enough of. Harry pulled him in with his first word.

Harry stepped towards him, and Louis held his breath when the younger boy leaned in, so close that Louis could see the tips of his eyelashes and the slight stubble above his lip.

"Because you're way too beautiful to be talking to Harry Styles."

Louis' heart stopped for a second, and he felt a lump in his throat as he repeated the words in his mind. Was he imagining this? Was this a dream?

"No, I most certainly am not," Louis said, flustered as he nervously played with the hem of his shirt. "You're the famous one, and, and you are good at writing, and you're so freaking pretty, all of my internet friends fancy you too, but no one ever thinks, ever thinks, I'm, uhm, beautiful." His voice decreased to a whisper, as he was too shy and embarrassed to say the last part. 

Harry opened his mouth to respond when a blonde girl with stunning blue eyes walked up next to him, wrapping an arm around his waist and kissing his cheek. "Hi babe," she said casually, smiling at him and hugging him quickly. Harry frowned deeply, looking up into the sky and sighing, and Louis looked at him in confusion.

"Hi Taylor," he finally responded, hugging her back and kissing her lips softly. She smiled into the kiss, and when she pulled back she was blushing.

"Uhm, I should leave." It took all of Louis not to start crying right there, and he could barely speak through the pit in his stomach and the knot in his throat. His chest felt there was a pounding pressure on it, and it worsened every word that Taylor said. 

"No, you shouldn't," Harry said, in his soft voice. "Louis, I would like to introduce you to Taylor, my girlfriend." Nope. Louis couldn't do this. He couldn't stand hearing his favourite author in the whole world introduce him to his girlfriend.

"Hi Taylor," Louis said, his voice shaky. "Nice to meet you." He took her hand gently, giving it a tiny shake, and he hoped she didn't notice how much his hands were sweating.

"You too, Louis," she smiled politely, before pulling back and leaning into Harry. "How are you liking this party, Harry? Is it different then the ones in Cheshire?"

Harry caught Louis' gaze, staring at him when he answered. "Very, very different." His voice was quiet, slow.

And whenever he gave Louis a little wink, the world seemed to spin around for just a second. Louis was so confused, and this hot, humid air wasn't helping one bit. He wanted so desperately to know what all of these subtle moves Harry was making on him meant. Just the sight of Harry made him nervous, and when his girlfriend came it made it much worse. He had gotten all dressed up for nothing, and it took everything in him not to have a complete breakdown on the ground because he was meeting the person he tweeted a million times in hopes of a response, the person who everyone on Tumblr paid hundreds of pounds to see.

"In a good way or a bad way?" Taylor asked.

"Both," Harry said lowly, and Taylor laughed, not asking him about what he meant. She went on to talk about the fact that her and Louis went to the same uni, and she gave him her number so he could text her if they wanted to study together.

Letters to the Author -Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now