Chapter 1

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You know how they say everybody has their 10 seconds of fame? Well, mine was getting the only 100% on a math test in first grade. Yep, that's me. The back of the class- wait what was her name again- girl. I swear, sometimes my friend Gabbi is the only thing that keeps me from going crazy......

As I board the school bus, I hear a voice call my name from behind.

"Hey!" The voice calls, "you dropped this!"

I turn around to see a boy running towards me with a book in his hand.

"Toss it", I call back seeing the bus driver becoming anxious.

"But-" the boy says growing closer.

"Toss it, I've got to go!" I yell.

He tosses it and I catch it. I sit in a seat with Gabbi, and she gives me a suspecting look.

"Hailey, do you even know who that was?" She asks me.

"No" I say inspecting the book," wait, this isn't even mine!"

I show her the book and she laughs "This says Caden Mathews on it!"

I feel the heat rushing to my face, knowing he is a senior,as I say, " That wasn't Caden, was it?"

She nods, " Yep. And you totally screamed at him. I bet he'll have hearing problems for the rest of his life".

Great. Just another embarrassing thing people make fun of me for....

I get home and go up to my room. I start on my homework and my phone goes off. I look and don't recognize the number, so I ignore the call. I continue to struggle through my math homework, when my phone goes off again, it's the same number. Annoyed, I answer the phone.

"Hello" I say

"Hi." A boy's voice booms through the phone, "I think you have something of mine"

"I'm not in the mood for prank calls right now, so-" I begin.

"No, this is Caden. I gave you the wrong book earlier today."

"Oh" I say a lump rising in my throat

"I was thinking, since we're not in any classes together, I could pick you up at your house tomorrow.".

"Um, okay. That's fine. Do you know where I live?" I reply.

"I'll figure it out" he says.

"Okay, bye." I say into the phone.

"Bye" he says and hangs up the phone.

I sit at my desk trying to contemplate what Just happened.

"Are you sure that's what he said?" Gabbi asks for the tenth time since she picked up the phone.

"Yes, I'm sure." I say once again.

"Okay. I'm going with you. This senior creep could be a murderer or something trying to-" she begins.

"I can go by myself. I won't get hurt, Gabbi." I cut her off.

"Just keep in mind that he's two years older, at least 3 or 4 inches taller, and could most definitely squish you like a bug." she says.

"Hey, I'll be okay. I'll text you when I'm in the car with him, alright?" I say into the phone.

"I guess. See you tomorrow Hailey" she replies.

"Bye." I say and hang up the phone...


Hey guys! New book, hope you guys like it! If not, just say so! Bye 😘✌️👋

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