Star Turned Into A Lover Boy

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His lips curved into a small smile , as he looked up at the vanity getting ready for the show. It wasn't a big gig, it was a small show in a pub , just like the old times when they were just Jeff killed John . Hard Rock Cafe Hyderabad hadn't invited them to perform it was they who wanted to perform on that particular day. Yes, Bullet For My Valentine was finally performing in India, no it wasn't a huge metal fest it was just in a small Hard Rock Cafe. He knew she would be here today with her friends she wrote that to him since last few days and when he had asked her yesterday about her plans she mentioned the same , he also knew even though she did not believe him to be Matt Tuck , yet , she would not lie to him because she considered him to be her friend.
The corner of his lips lifted up in a small smile as he remember how she had called him fake and asked for his real name and did not trust him to be Matt Tuck, however ,it soon turned into a frown remembering how upset she was that day. It was 20th of July 2017, the day Chester committed suicide , she was upset that would be an understatement , he knew she was beyond upset.
She had told him that she was in a client meeting when her boyfriend had called her and informed her about Chester's suicide.
Eventhough he could not see her or hear her voice he could feel how broken she was , he was disturbed when she said that she might not just die that day but if something were to happen to Matt she would commit suicide , she couldn't take another death. He had told her that day he is real Matt and created this Facebook profile just to be himself and not some celebrity and hence he does not reveal himself to which she laughed and replied 'My friend I know you trying to cheer me up but I know Matt does not have a Facebook profile'.

2017 was also shitty for him , he had filed divorce with his wife Charly and he was a stage where he didn't know if he would get the custody of Evann , he wanted to be a part of Evann's life as he grew up.It was a mutual divorce and they agreed on co-parenting. It was terrible never the less as he didn't want to get divorced then. However, he is releaved now.

Matthew adjusted the lapels of his leather jacket as he thought how he had told Krishna about his married life changing the name of his wife and kid and how kind she was how she was patient with him always being there whenever he felt lonely never judging him. He had decided to play along when she had refused to believe him to be real Matt, she was his safe place you see where he could be himself but he did not have to be perfect where he did not have to pretend to be happy where he did not have the fear to be judged where he could be normal just like a regular guy and the day she had called him bestie was the best in his life.

Matthew bend down tying the laces of his shoe as his expression hardened and he remembered her ex. "That bastard!" he muttered under his breath, he had cheated on her and physically and emotionally abused until she decided it was enough and she ran from place. She left Kolkata and went to Hyderabad.

He stood up jumping on his toes , looking at his reflection in the mirror smiling to himself he remembered her finally opening an Instagram account. No he didn't follow her back but he read every messages she sent, she kind of used his Instagram profile as a dear diary and she wrote every night a letter to him telling him all that happened throughout the day he will open his Instagram profile every night go to the messages and read her message .

He knew it was not right as she wrote those things thinking that he never read them however he could not deny himself this pleasure , she was vulnerable when she wrote those letters to him she poured out of feelings baring herself to him ,openly told how much she loved him. It was a way of him getting to know her because she wrote things that she would not share with anyone generally and maybe he was selfish but he wanted to know them and he did not want her to stop writing so he did not follow her back and reveal to her that yes he is the same Facebook friend.

But he had followed her back today and he knew she would be totally confused, he smiled to himself thinking that she was up for a surprise tonight . He remembered when he had told her in FB 'what if we meet in person and then you recognise that I was telling the truth all along  that I am real Matthew Tuck what would you do?' she had replied stating that 'I'd kiss you then '.
He smiled at himself , as he took a puff of mouth freshener shrugging he said to his reflection , " I am getting kisses tonight". He grinned before walking out of the dressing room.

Her POV:-

I woke up annoyed with constant ping on my phone. I sat up on my bed , rubbing my face , barely opening my eyes I picked up my phone which was still pinging with notification from..... Instagram?? Confused I opened my Instagram ID , I was surprised with the rise in number of followers. "Holly mother of sweet baby Jesus!" I was wide awake and frozen looking at my phone screen....Mr.Matt.Tuck started following you. I don't know how long I was frozen looking at my phone and hearing my own heartbeat , till reality seeped into me , "Fuck....fuck...fuck the messages....fuck... I need to delete them." As I opened my Instagram Direct there was one message that had me blushing scarlet and wishing for the ground to swallow me, a winking kiss ?.
Yes , it was from Mr.Matt.Tuck. He fucking read all the messages. I had never felt so embarrassed in my entire 29 years of life, at that moment I wish the ground would just crack open and swallow me whole.

This was great .....this is my dream everything I want.....or I don't know...... Matt knows I exist....he knows about me he followed me back.I felt like I was at the top of the world I had never experienced happiness and I was crying I was hysterical I was so happy. But this would have to wait because it was already six and Riya and Mariya will be here any moment I have to get ready we are going out today, now this was another reason to celebrate.

I jumped down from my bed and and quickly got ready wearing my black ripped jeans , black bullet for my valentine t shirt, applied my eyeliner just the way I do it cat eyed, applied my dark maroon lipstick and amethyst contacts. As I was done wearing my black boots I heard a knock on the front door signalling the arrival of my two besties.

As we took an Ola to reach Hard Rock Cafe the ride was beyond interesting I told Riya and Mariya about Matt following me back, they were over the moon excited. it is then Riya told me, " You know babe I sometimes feel the guy you talk to on Facebook is actually Matthew Tuck". He was not, was he ?... I mean Matthew does not have a Facebook account. I furrowed my brows.

We were sitting in the table in front of the stage where a band will be performing tonight it was 8 and the time for the band to perform. Few moments ago the host had announced that this was a special band playing for a special guest and they will only be performing for half an hour post that the regular band will take over the place. I was super excited to see who they were , it is then guitar caught my attention it was a black flying v Jackson with a signature design. A similar guitar was used by Michael Padget from Bullet For My Valentine.

As the band members started entering the stage my entire world started to disappear , it was just me and them and no one else , I could hear my heart beating right beside my ear drums, my throat went to dry, I breathe quick succession, I couldn't believe what I was seeing this was my dream come true I could happily die now. And my , when I saw him holding his guitar standing in front of the mic in that black tight ripped jeans and brown leather jacket my life is complete. "I can happily die now" , I whispered . He looked at me and winked. The burning cigarette lay between my fingers as it is forgotten, my jaw hitting the floor and I am pretty sure that there was drool dripping from the side of my mouth. I I can picture myself looking like a fish out of water, my throat is dry , I can barely breathe my heart trying to come right out of the rib cage.

I hadn't even realised when half an hour was done and he was standing right in front of me with that beautiful smile lighting up that pretty face.
I jump up from my chair almost knocking it back in the process staring at him with an open mouth. "H hi-i" I stuttered.
He threw his head back and laughed.... that was the best sound I had ever heard and I can just stay in this moment forever and always. "Can I call you now ?" he asked. I blushed scarlet when realisation dawned he is the one I have been talking in Facebook all along. He leaned down tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and whispered huskily , "I think you own me a kiss" .

Before I could reply he gently pressed his lips against mine and I couldn't help but return it and even hadn't realised when my hands have left my side and were wrapped around his shoulder pulling him closer to me as he kissed me. We broke from the kiss to take much needed breath stairing at eachother with love and adoration.

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