Chapter 9

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I wake and Nejire is still sleeping with her head on my chest, so I pick up my phone take a picture of us and put it as my wallpaper. I walk down the stairs and start making breakfast.

Nejire POV

I wake up and Y/n isn't here so I walk downstairs and see him making breakfast so I go hug him.

Nejire: Morning 'very sleepy voice'

Y/n: Morning. You sound like your gonna fall asleep while talking to me.

Nejire: No 'she pouts'

Y/n: Okay

He then picks me and puts me on the counter and gives me a quick kiss

Y/n: Just sit here and wait for me baby

Nejire: Okay

I watch him make the food. He makes it look so easy

Nejire: What are you making?

Y/n: Oh its something I know you love

Nejire: You didnt!

Y/n: Hmm maybe I did

I look at the food to see pancakes with strawberries, blueberries and Raspberries and whipped cream. He also made my favorite Jasmine tea.

Y/n: Hope you like it 'kisses my cheek'

Nejire: 'Faking' It doesn't look that good

Y/n: Oh really

Nejire: Yea I don't even know if I like tea

Y/n: Will this help you remember

He picks me up puts me on the counter and kisses me immediately inserting his tongue. We break apart leaving saliva trail between us

Nejire: Nope don't remember

He grabs my ass and kisses my neck making me moan, he takes off his shirt letting me see his abs. He takes his hand up my shirt and unhooked my bra with ease and kissed my collar bone leaving a hickey.

Y/n: You remember now

Nejire: 'Takes off her bra' No

Y/n then picked me up took me to his room. Once there he pinned me to the bed holding my hands above my head, he kissed me and start to swirl his tongue around my mouth.

He put his leg between mine and smiled at how wet I was. He then pulled away and put on a shirt.

Nejire: Why? 'Pouts'

Y/n: Because I'm leaving in an hour and what I have planned is gonna need a lot more then that.


Nejire blushes at what I just said and we walk back downstairs and eat. We talked and ate our food. After she took a shower and got dressed then you did the same.

Y/n: Hey baby?

Nejire: Yea babe?

Y/n: You have a drivers license right?

Nejire: Yea why?

Y/n: Just asking 'kiss' Let's go

We then drove to the station in my Ferrari. And before my train arrived Nejire had to go get a bus to go to her work study.

Nejire: I'm gonna miss you baby

Y/n: I'll miss you too

Nejire: I gotta go I need to get a bus

Nejire x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now